Networking and Women’s Role in Maintaining Violence Against Women (VAW)

Networking and Women’s Role in Maintaining Violence Against Women (VAW)

Petition to the British Royal Crown

Report to the British Crown: State of the Union during the Demise of Democracy

I. State of Affairs in ‘The Swamp’ and Rise to Power of a Dictatorship in USA

II. Workplace Bullying and Incompetence in IMF, World Bank, and UN

III. IMF ‘Game-players’ and Cover-up of Corruption in Banking Systems 

IV. ‘Keep America Great’ vs. ‘Make America Great (and White) Again’

V. Old Guard IMF ‘Game-players’ in Collusion with IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) ‘Game-players’

VI. ICD-Strategic Evaluation Division (ICDSE), Committee on Capacity Building (CCB) and Results Based Management (RBM)

VII. Case-Study of Turkey and ICD Global Partnership Division (ICDGP)

VIII. Mis-management in ICD and ‘General Welfare’

IX. Conflict of Interest Amongst IMF ‘Game-players’

X. Faulty Allocation of Resources by ‘Game-players’ and Sustainable Development

XI. Less Government with Good Governance and Good Resource Allocation

XII. The Republicans vs. the Democrats

XIII. The Failed American Democracy

XIV. Founding Father John Dickson and US Constitutional Crisis under Donald Trump

XV. The Fault Lies Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves 

XVI. Income Inequality and Social Mobility

XVII. Affirmative Action, Ruling Elite and Trickle-Down Theory Economics

XVIII. Ladies and Gentlemen and the Shame Game

XIX. Networking and Women’s Role in Maintaining Violence Against Women (VAW) 

The feminists currently in power, and their feminist movement, need to be investigated and held accountable for promoting and sustaining, not only discrimination against women, but violence against women (VAW) in all its forms. As stated in the UN report, “In-depth Study on All Forms of Violence Against Women (VAW),” it is WOMEN in society which promoting the harmful traditions and customs which sustain violence against women (including the trafficking of women and children), and I quote from the report,  

While women commit a small proportion of intimate partner violence, they are involved to a greater degree in the perpetration of harmful traditional practices and in trafficking. They have also engaged in acts of violence against women and children in the context of armed conflicts. 

Various manifestations of femicide, the murder of women because they are women, illustrate the interrelationship between cultural norms and the use of violence in the subordination of women. Femicide takes place in many contexts: intimate partner violence, armed conflict, workplace harassment, dowry disputes and the protection of family “honour”. For example, crimes committed in the name of “honour”, usually by a brother, father, husband or other male family member, are a means of controlling women’s choices, not only in the area of sexuality but also in other aspects of behaviour, such as freedom of movement. Such crimes frequently have a collective dimension, with the family as a whole believing itself to be injured by a woman’s actual or perceived behaviour.

 They are often public in character, which is integral to their social functions, which include influencing the conduct of other women. In other cultural contexts, preoccupation with women’s sexuality is manifested not only in practices for enforcing chastity but also in the way female sexuality is turned into a commodity in the media and advertising.

One of the reasons I came up with the idea for Global Expats (with the concept for its website, a combination of networking platform ie. Facebook and Linkedin, with a local-search directory, ie. TripAdvisor and Yelp) was in order to utilize my global network within the ruling elite to challenge the dysfunctional, narcissistic status quo that I have been observing, and rubbing-shoulders with, my entire life. The attitude of the status quo, and the alpha-dominance feminists, that since I ‘opted-out’ of the ‘Game’ I am no longer of use to society, nor the labor-force—is RIDICULOUS. Not only do I possess a wide variety of skills, but my networks include expatriates from Anglo-phone, Franco-phone, and Hispania-phone communities around the world, as well as ruling-class elites and alumnae from exclusive boarding schools in the USA and England. For example, alumnae from my boarding-school in England (Cobham Hall) include Lady Henrietta Bathurst, sister of Allen Bathurst, 9th Earl Bathurst and Jennie Churchill, great-grand-daughter of Winston Churchill, along with many other socialite women from around the world.

Additionally, alumnae from my boarding-school in the USA, (Foxcroft School) include members of the American elite, such as Cornelia Guest, D.D. Alexander Matz, Leigh Topping Brady, Harriett Fulbright, Nina Prentice, Bazy Tankersley, Ruth T. Bedford (Standard Oil heiress), Jane Forbes Clark (President and trustee of the United States Equestrian Team Foundation (Chairman of the Board of Directors for the National Baseball Hall of Fame), Frances FitzGerald (Pulitzer Prize-winning writer), Nina Fout (Olympic equestrian), Olivia Stokes Hatch (socialite and American Red Cross volunteer), Gertrude Sanford Legendre, (socialite & World War II spy), Ruth du Pont Lord, Pamela Mars (Chairwoman, Mars, Incorporated), Victoria B. Mars, (Chairwoman of Mars, Incorporated) Cordelia Scaife May, (philanthropist, during her life, one of the wealthiest women in the U.S.), Rachel Lambert Mellon ("Bunny") (heiress, horticulturalist, creator of the White House Rose Garden), Elizabeth Meyer, (Equestrian), Liza Pulitzer (daughter of fashion designer and socialite Lilly Pulitzer), Keshia Knight Pulliam (actress, The Cosby Show), Christine Todd Whitman (Former Head of the EPA, Former Governor of New Jersey), Stephanie Zimbalist (actress, Remington Steele), Mollie Wilmot (philanthropist and socialite) etc..

Unfortunately, what I have learned in the past decade, by the ‘blind-eye’ playing by everyone ‘in power’, is the extent to which EVERYONE is willing, to sell their souls for their own power and glory, and narcissistic, hedonistic pursuits—and the world be damned. Perhaps one of the most significant events and evidence as to the dangers of ‘democratic’ rule is found in Ancient Greece and the killing of Socrates in 399BC. My own marginalization for the past decade parallels that of Socrates. And, just as Socrates claimed at the time, society might remove all one’s worldly goods, torture and even kill dissenting members, the real damage is not borne by the targeted dissenter, but rather to the souls of those who silence and persecutor him—and society as a whole. (The crucifixion of Jesus Christ centuries later demonstrated this same phenomenon.) The mediator at the IMF, Gheeta Ravindra, in my interview with her (in regards to my report “Workplace Bullying in the IMF”), made the same accusation against me as that made against Socrates, and I quote again Loren J. Samons in his book, What’s Wrong with Democracy?: From Athenian Practice to American Worship,

…If only Socrates had not consistently offended the democratic Athenian people, he might have been allowed to live! Stone’s conclusion and Athens’s action can, of course, be defended, on both technical and moral grounds. But surely the facts that the Athenians and their democratic political system could execute a Socrates (as well as other leaders), enslave or execute thousands of their fellow Greeks, and convert a league against Persia into a sometimes brutal empire over their former Greek allies (and others) demand that we consider the potentially negative effects of direct popular government…

Like many women of my generation, I was faced with many opportunities, as well as challenges, that generations before me did not face due to upper-class women’s restriction from participation in remunerated work-forces. And, while it had always been my intention to build a career for myself, my ex-husband’s career as an expatriate, which included 8 international transfers during our marriage, prevented me from doing so. However, as you may note on my Linkedin profile, I did not remain idle, or hang-out at country clubs, like many other of the socialites and socialite wannabes I was rubbing shoulder with spent their time doing. Not only was I very active in my children’s lives as well as my communities (serving on the board of many expat organizations), but I found a way to transform my experience and knowledge—as well as utilize my extensive global network of friends and acquaintances—into what would be a multi-billion dollar company at present, if my ex-husband had not tried to destroy me, and all of my hard-work. Even though everyone in the development community find my ideas SPECTACULAR, I cannot find any partners or capital venture funding for the project, because I am a ‘stupid woman’, who opted-out of their ‘Game’ decades ago—demonstrating to what extent ‘investment’ monies are concentrated in the hands of the white-supremacist, ol’ boy network, and bankruptcy building businessmen.   

The concept of Global Expats is modeled after ‘Expat Wives Club’, but turns it into a revenue-generating organization that remunerates its managers and employees, instead of relying on volunteers. The most well-known ‘Expat Wives Club’ is the Federation of American Women’s Club Overseas (FAWCO), but only attracts 1% of the 7 million Americans living abroad in its membership. Even though ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ are the ONLY organizations assisting expat families during their stance abroad, most expats avoid these organizations like the plague (due to the fact that they are infected with ‘back-scratching’, ‘back-stabbing’, and ‘game-playing’ board members, rather than women who care about their communities, or the families in them). I found this to be the case within the boards of Anglo-phone, Franco-phone, and Hispania-phone expat associations, as well as the board of the IMF and World Bank ‘Expat Wives Clubs,’ (IMFFA and WBFN—during my tenure with IMFFA (’09-’11)). These organizations, and the back-stabbing manipulations that dominates the interaction of board members, is a perfect example of the viciousness of women in societies around the world, as well as the apathy towards that viciousness within the development community.

Many years ago, Pam Perraud, of FAWCO, contended that I was just ‘re?inventing’ FAWCO, in proposing Global Expats. However, as I told her at the time “I am ‘fixing’ FAWCO; not ‘re-inventing’ it!!” FAWCO board members, along with IMFFA and WBFN board members, are a perfect example of how nouveau riche, social-climbing, narcissistic women are perpetuating and upholding the oppressive and tyrannical paradigm in which we live. ALL of the FAWCO, IMFFA, and WBFN board members are well familiar with my project, the draconian way the courts separated me from my children and defrauded me of all of my assets and property in order to silence me, as well as my activism work in combating corruption in family courts. However, ALL of these ‘ladies’ are too busy ‘bowing and scraping’ to Ambassadors and Embassies (so that they may be invited to all the parties) and supporting ‘window-dressing’ NGOs (like the American Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center, AODVCC and World Bank Domestic Abuse Coordinator)—implicating themselves as accessories to crimes against humanity under art. 7 of the Roma Statutes—to bother with the problems and plight of their constituencies.

Additionally, in my call for action in the past decade, I have been calling on former class-mates and alumnae from Foxcroft in my social media campaigns to utilize their voices and networks in combating the escalating corruption, nationalism, racism, misogyny, and ensuing civil unrest in the USA (and Europe)—to NO AVAIL. The number of people within my networks (1st and 2nd level) who are part of the old, and new-guard, elite is truly astounding, and reads like a “Who’s Who” of the rich and powerful on both sides of the Atlantic. However, time and time again these women (and men) have turned a blind-eye to a situation that is degrading daily—selling their souls in the process, as well as assuring the demise of our planet (with another World War, or global-warming).

One of the former class-mates, I have contacted in the past years in my lobbying efforts, is socialite, ‘80s Deb-of-the-Decade’, Cornelia Guest. However, Cornelia is too busy hobnobbing with New York social-climbers, catering to her vegan clientele, and promoting animal rights; to concern herself with the plight of the ‘American people’ (particularly women and children) or the demise of her country and planet. As I explain in my blog, “Fractured Fairytale Deb vs. Deb of the Decade: Observations of a CSO Rep at IMF/WB Spring Mtgs – Part 28,” Cornelia was one of the principle actors in promoting the jet-set, hedonistic lifestyle of the ‘80s, and the ‘American Dream Golden-Age’. However, in her defense, Cornelia at the time, was little more than a ‘child’ (dropping out of school at 16), when she was used as a pawn by her mother, CZ Guest, in cohorts with Nancy Reagan. Nancy Reagan was the driving force within the Reagan Administration, and was responsible for “selling” Reaganomics and its ‘fractured-fairytale’ construct to the American people—through her social-climbing and networking amongst the American elite.  All the while that Reagan was promoting ‘Just Say No’ and ‘War on Drugs’ campaigns, Cornelia was the leading ‘cheerleader’ in the cocaine-snorting frenzy that gripped the East and West Coasts—with Studio 54 the ‘watering and cocaine snorting hole’ of the American elite. The ‘fractured-fairytale’ that women like Nancy Reagan, CZ and Cornelia Guest, etc. founded was later exported to Europe, and the world. However, Cornelia is no longer a child, but a grown woman, and must be held responsible and accountable for her part in perpetuating the highly-dysfunctional status quo, and oppressive regime that she helped to build, and create.  

Another person within my networks, who is complicit to the dysfunctional ‘fractured fairy-tale’ with her ‘ostrich-playing’ is former Columbian Presidential Candidate (2002) and FARC guerrilla hostage, Ingrid Betancourt. During my tenure as President of the French expat association, Bogota Accueil (2001-02), I was one of the few French expats to have openly supported Ingrid Betancourt’s bid for presidency due to her ‘anti-corruption’ (particularly judicial corruption) as well as PEACE, platforms. These are exactly the same platforms I am promoting and espousing, at present. Ingrid’s sister, Astrid is well aware of my battles with the Spanish judicial system, dating back to ’07. However, Ingrid, along with everyone else, is too busy giving speeches and promoting her career and newest book, to concern herself with the downward trajectory of the planet. 

As I have been pointing out to the American government for decades, particularly during my stance in Colombia; as long as drug consumption in the USA (and Europe) is on the rise, drug-production in Latin America will continue to be a problem. And, eradicating drug production in Colombia will only transfer production to another country, as has been the case, with the country du jour—Mexico. If Betancourt (and her friend Baltasar Garzon) were truly concerned with the welfare of the people of Colombia, and the region’s future she would be using her contacts within governments of the Pacific Alliance to assure that they read my letter to them. She, and Garzon, would also be assisting me in attacking the rising drug-consumption in North America and Europe, with litigation in the international courts regarding VAW as human rights violations (inter alia), and denouncing the police-state and ‘New Jim Crow’ the American ‘War on Drugs’and ‘Just Say No’ campaign has produced. She, and her entourage, should be heeding my words in my blogs for Sean Penn, after publication of his Rolling Stone’s article “El Chapo Speaks” in January ‘16, rather than ignoring me.  


