Networking without a Cluedo
Neil McKee
Neuro Change Mentor and advocate for Mental Wellbeing. TRANSFORMATIONAL trainer in Motivational Mapping, Mind Mapping, & TetraMapping - so you can master motivation, EQ, & influence. Author: The Accelerated Trainer ??
Had a brilliant night last night, with Christian Rodwell's "Escape the Rat Race" Meetup in London, then dashed back to Dorset to experience even more Networking Magic...
Another week goes by and another Networking group experienced - this time The Boardroom Network created and driven exquisitely by Jacqueline Frampton.
First, though, in case Jacqui is concerned with my title, Jacqui's Network is definitely Networking with a Clue - the Cluedo reference is to get your attention, dear reader, and to make an explicit link to four Networking styles alluding to Waddington's excellent Murder-Mystery Game. This is because I chose today, not to give out business cards but rather my four colour ThINKpen? as my proverbial 'calling card'.
One likes to be different!
The ThINKpen has the classic four colours: black, red, green and blue - deliberately used to enhance any business thinking process. So let's associate them with the board game's four equivalent characters with a view to getting more value from any Networking event (and with due deference to Waddington's and now Hasbro's copyrights!)
- Dr Black
- Miss Scarlet
- Rev Green, and
- Lady Blue - is "Mrs Peacock" in the game, which rather spoils the rhythm for me... we'll call her "Lady Blue" if it's all the same to you?
With the ThINKpen, we can run our business with a balanced approach to all the thinking styles you or I could ever desire. Let me illustrate...
- Dr Black loves diagnosis - the data in clear black and white - no emotion necessary, just the basic facts... that'll keep us going for the show!
- Miss Scarlet (or 'Scarlett' in the UK version) is a feisty woman of action... the red dress says it all, oh, and the lipstick and heels. She's on a mission to succeed.
- Rev Green - ecologically literate - compassionate - caring - balanced - spiritual.
- Lady Blue - who's had her 'colours' done! She's a blue-sky thinker, a creative with a natural flair for connecting and enthusing.
Four Networking Styles
All four networking types have a legitimate and valid style of their own.
Here Come The Men in Black
Many 'professions' naturally gravitate to the Dr Black style - smart suits with varying shades of grey (though not in that sense, alas.) 'Professional' is a good summary. No nonsense business card, usually filled with too much information.
The Strengths of Dr Black - include attention to detail, a focus on the facts, clarity. Oh, and Dr Black always has a spare pen - a good contact to make.
What to expect - don't expect Sir Laugh-a-Lot, these are serious people, great for professional services. They'll get the job done, on time, on budget. Nice.
Their pace is measured... and they like to pause for thought... which gives Miss Scarlet plenty of space to insert her own thoughts into the gap so thoughtfully provided!
If you want to do business with Dr Black, do your homework, and do what you promise. Don't finish Dr Black's sentences for them... they get there... in the end. Personal life is in another box, so don't hug. The devil is in the detail.
Captain Scarlet
Miss Scarlet (or 'Lottie' as we like to call her) understands the power of dressing on purpose. Where Dr Black is smart and professional, Lottie is 'sassy' and not afraid to err on the side of being a bit risqué. If the shoe kills, wear it. When Lottie flirts with you (and she doesn't mind what gender you are), it's flirting on purpose - she wants your business. 'Yes!' 'Yes!!' 'Yes!!!' is her favourite word.
The Strengths of Miss Scarlet - GTD. Miss Scarlet gets things done. If your aims are aligned with hers, you'll achieve your outcomes together. She has a penchant for sales, event management, and for marketing. She's exciting and faster paced than Dr Black, so if you want to engage with her, keep up! Her greatest strength is that she makes decisions and takes action... repenting at leisure.
Unfortunately for me, she doesn't like idiots or those who play the fool.
What to expect - results! If you want to do business with Miss Scarlet - be fast paced and focused - she doesn't want or need to know about your personal life. And, yes, she will judge you by what you wear... especially the shoes.
In Green Pastures
In a word, 'Caring'. The Rev Green is quiet (introverted in the powerful sense that Carl Jung intended) and benefits from a well structured meeting so that she can get a word in. Caring professions attract this emotionally intelligent, empathetic treasure - worth seeking out at any networking event. Become friends and you'll discover that Rev Green's middle name is 'Loyalty'.
The Strengths of Rev Green - is that she really does 'listen' and actually cares. Does this mean that Dr Black and Miss Scarlet don't care? Bluntly, yes. There is a depth of caring found in Rev Green that is uncommon to humankind. So never cross Rev Green - 'cos she'll remember... forever.
What to expect - Rev Green will take an interest in your personal life - to an uncomfortable depth for some. If you lie to her when she asks, "How are you?" She will reach out and actually make physical contact, make eye-contact, and then ask again, "No, I said, 'How are you'?" You will break. So don't resist.
If you want to do business with Rev Green - focus on values, how you feel, and the benefits to people from pursuing your suggestion. Don't violate Rev Green's natural trust in you. And slow your pace - this is about relationship first and business second.
Blue Moon
Ever heard the glorious saying, "Mad as a box of frogs"? That's how others perceive Lady Blue. This is not how Lady Blue perceives herself. She sees herself as 'normal' and can't quite understand why Dr Black, Miss Scarlet, and Rev Green are not more excited about networking.
Lady Blue (or 'Priscilla, Queen of Desserts' as she insists on being called) really does want to know about your personal life - though, since her attention span is often distracted by random squirrels - she may use anything you share as an opportunity to share her own associated anecdotes.
The Strengths of Lady Blue - include creativity, enthusiasm, inspiration. She's exciting, though not often focused. She had a fling with Dr Black once... it didn't go well.
What to expect - energy! If you can get Lady Blue on board, she will drive your projects forward and will be an evangelist for your cause like no other. She is unstoppable until... ...she stops. In fact, she has two speeds: 90 mph and 'off'. She is Tigger. She is Taz. She's amazing.
But don't expect to be listened to unless you stay exciting. The spice must flow!
If you want to do business with Lady Blue (and she's usually in some kind of creative business) make sure you never tell her that her ideas cannot be realised. You must feed the flame of her enthusiasm, add the Oxygen of focus, and then you'll weld an amazing connection that will change the World... nay even History.
Richard Branson has been known to dress as Lady Blue.
Being All Types to All People
Actually (how we Brits love that word!), actually, I'm going to suggest that you use a four colour equivalent of my beloved ThINKpen to make sure you cover all four styles at the very next networking meeting you go to. Make sure you spend time with all four types - because you need them in your business if you're to accelerate your progress or if you are to lift the level of your game.
Dr Black will sort your insurance, your accounts, your health and safety, and your compliance. Miss Scarlet will get you focused on outcomes and will achieve quantifiable results... quickly and with panache. Rev Green will remind you why you are doing this in the first place - and will keep you in touch with your values, your purpose, and your meaning in life. And Lady Blue will spread the word alongside the Marmite on her toast. Go to her party if she invites you.
But more than this, YOU would benefit from trying on another style. How about you becoming your natural balancing opposite for a meeting? Dr Black becomes Lady Blue; Rev Green plays Miss Scarlet? You've got all four characters in you, and it's a good stretch for you to get connect with your inner Fantastic Four!
Think dress-code, pace, and focus. All different. All valid. All needed.
Well, I can't think of another blog where I've mixed so many metaphors and popular references, so I'm off to mix a Martini... stirred but not shaken!
If you're ever in the Bournemouth or Southampton Areas, may I whole-heartedly recommend The Boardroom Network as simply one of the best networking meetings I've attended. You know from other blogs that I'm a fan of 4Networking and Dorset Women in Business, so I now have 3 groups I can celebrate as delivering exactly what they promise!
And beyond...
So, why have 1 when you can extend your network through all 3... or 4 groups? The 4th is Property Networking. Property professionals would enjoy our Progressive Property Network and Property Investors Network too!
Finally, if you're in London or in easy reach of London, The Escape the Rat Race meeting if for you if you want to make a major shift in favour of financial and time freedom.
Property investor and building in Zanzibar
8 年I'm with the Boardroom Network - Solent - and have taken the plunge and done the 5/10min presentation to the whole room too. Very supportive group and great for connections with all the colours!