Networking-Why is It Important?
Deborah Johnson, M.A.
Founder at DJWorks Media |Speaker for companies & individuals asking “What’s Next?”
How important is networking? Is it overrated in a society that takes multiple selfies and holds numerous online meetings? Why take the time to go to extra events, follow up on contacts and talk with people you really have very little interest in outside business? (watch short video below on why networking is important!)
As I've expanded my speaking network, I'm invited to more and more conferences and networking events and could fill up every free hour, scrambling to and from events. That's not how I want to live my life! So I try to pick and choose targeted events that fit in what I'd like my schedule to look like. (See The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris)
Build it and They'll Come?
One of the reasons networking is so important is that the Build it and They’ll Come concept really no longer applies in our current society. Sure, some are very fortunate to have a unique product and happen to fall into an amazing situation that creates lots of stir and buzz. However, for most, networking is an important part of life and business.
Many network groups provide continuing education, resources and even coaching. I’m part of several different groups that provide great resources for me. Also, being with people face to face gives you a chance to develop trusted relationships. People like to work with those they know and trust.
Develop Trusted Relationships
Something I’ve tried to uphold in my area of the music business is to refer those I’ve heard live. Enhanced photos with creative sound design and pitch correction can make some look and sound amazing! A sizzle reel can make one look like a major star!
Believe me when I say I know the tricks! When I get to meet and network with (truly) amazing musicians, it encourages me in my craft to stay sharp in my skills and keep growing. The same holds true for professional speakers.
Three Reasons Why to Network
If your purpose is mainly to add a social element to your life, your targeted groups will be totally different than those for entrepreneurs or business owners. Look for those organizations that will provide the type of resources and support you need and desire. You only have so much time. Spend it wisely.
Look for groups with like-minded individuals. This doesn't mean you have to be in the same field. In fact, your area of emphasis may be totally opposite. (which is healthy, by the way!) The type and quality of those relationships will be mutually beneficial. Many referrals come out of trusted relationships.People like to work with, as well as refer, those they trust and know.
Giving always comes back. Giving to others may not come back in the way you expect, but it usually always circles around. As you look for different ways to give, you will receive-and your network will expand, sometimes in creative and unexpected ways!
Pruning is Necessary for Growth
As well as postpone Hero Mountain? weekend until early 2018 (date coming soon!) I also made the decision to unpublish four Facebook pages. Pressing the buttons on those pages was not easy with my can do attitude. But only by pruning away some of what is not fully productive, can I focus on the fruit that will grow abundantly. The same principle holds true in choosing network groups and events. Choose wisely!
SLOW PITCH SUPERSTAR single up for a 2017 GRAMMY just launched Friday Sept. 15! Vocals by David Johnson, who is a National MVP slow-pitch champion, known as lazer around the country. As many people ask--David and I are a mother-son musical team.
I started writing this song in 2014 and after a number of rewrites, here it is! Why did it take so long? I had a very picky vocalist! Enjoy!
Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel to not miss a single video! I’ll be posting new videos on EVALUATING YOUR MOMENTUM weekly!
DEBORAH JOHNSON: Providing tools and inspiration to gain momentum and get unstuck in life. Speaking, Concerts, In-Depth Workshops. Most recent book Bad Code: Overcoming Bad Mental Code That Sabotages Your Life! You can reach Deborah the following ways:Twitter:@DJWorksMusic ? YouTube ; Facebook:; Websites:;