Networking for technical professionals
James Hanley, PE
Global Director | Professional Engineer | Mentor and Coach | Husband and Father
Have any of you been brought to a networking event before? I remember being taken to one very early in my career. My boss was wheeling and dealing with lots of people, and I didn’t know anyone. I thought that If I wanted to be like him, I needed to go to networking events. So I went to more. After going to several more, I wasn’t making any progress, but I didn’t quite know why.
Separately, I got a sense that I was really missing some of my old coworkers. So I reached out. One of my first friends at work and I started getting together. And just by talking to them, I learned a lot. Time passed and we stayed in touch. A few years later, we had reconnected and become old buds.
Then it hit me. My old boss had been seeing his old buds at the big networking event. The only difference between he and I? He had developed relationships for much, much longer. So I started doing that more and more. I reached out to people I worked with on projects. I reconnected with managers and direct reports. Over time, my network has grown tremendously.
You don’t need an MBA to recognize a very familiar parallel. If you nurture your relationships, your network grows with compound interest. If you aren’t familiar with compound interest, you can find a really great write-up here. Small investments build up over time. Consistency and time are your friends in the world of compound interest.
So where do you start? Here are some tips for anyone who is looking to build there network:
Hope this helps you to keep growing your network!