A few tips from the queen of Networking:

My name is Sarah Karingi and l also go by Queen of Networking. Am a Business mentor,Entreprenuer,Author,Global Award Winner,Leader and a Master Networker.I would like to share alittle abit my experience about Business Networking.

If you do it well,you reap so much from it.l have perfected this art very well and l have experienced many benefits.We all network but at times we get frustrated because we don't get expected results.

let me share some basic tips:

1)Share value with others.For example,if you are marketing your product/service,"don't sell".Share value.Tell us about benefits

2)Avoid being transactional.. Be relational.Build meaningful relationships with people.We are human.

3)Help others get what they want.Most people keep posting about themselves and their products/services.They never help or support others.This is a high degree of selfishness and others see it and btw,those who may wish to support you decline because of this.Take note of this.

4)Comment on others posts if you like them or just????.lt boosts their ego and encourages them.You lose nothing by congratulating or celebrating others.

5)Be polite.lf you don't like a post,don't attack or judge others.Use good words or a language that will show that you care.Or just don't comment

6)If you are given business or a connection,share your gratitude.A thankyou and the way its said is honourable.Post it online and say...for example,"Thankyou so much Jayne for connecting me with the CEO of Safaricom.He was of great help to me .You really are awesome!God bless you"..

7)Be patient.lf for example l promise l will connect you with Emmaculate and it takes a little longer,remain cool.Dont keep pushing me for the connection because l have to inform her about you and why l want you to meet her.The only time this can change is if it has taken longer than the time promised.Remind with politeness.

8)Follow up!Follow up!!Follow up!!.Business is in Follow up.lf l promise to do something with/for you,call me.Let me just demonstrate how to do it online.lf you see someone asking for something,don't just send the image of the product,call them,introduce yourself,tell them where you saw the post,talk to them and the magic will take place.Most people think because they have sent the price list or the image the other will buy.There is something unique about the voice!!

9)Share your experience with others.Post a testimonial online.This is a way of marketing others businesses and it elevates their ego,business and credibility 

10)Be visible, relevant and trustworthy.Once you mess your credibility,my friend,getting it back is like climbing Mount Everest!!..

#Networking tips #Queenofnetworking #SarahKaringi


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