Networking related biz dev tips for accountants

Networking related biz dev tips for accountants

This is a sample of what subscribers to my Biz Dev Success Secrets for accountants get by email every week. Now is a good time for you to register for your own copy >>>>

Last week I mentioned a poll I ran on Linkedin asking accountants about their outstanding tax returns.

Out of over 180 responses, just one-third admitted to still having more than 25% of their tax returns o/s. Most seemed to be in multi-partner firms.

I contacted all the sole-practitioners who responded and, in most cases, the situation wasn't as bleak as it might have appeared.

Of course, the busiest accountants probably weren't checking Linkedin so did not reply. Good luck if that's you and thank you for having a quick read of this email.

January is also when many accountants plan to start networking or to revise their networking strategy.

This week's blog post addresses a serious misconception about networking - using an analogy with TV comedians!

You'll also find 3 more practical business development tips drawn from 1-2-1 mentoring sessions - all anonymised of course.

This week's practical business development tips

  1. Be more specific: You’ll get better results from your networking if you stop using the word 'anyone' when asking for referrals. Better than implying you could help ‘anyone’ who needs a new accountant, be more specific and, in so doing, make it easier for your contacts to recognise who, of the people they know, would really be decent introductions for you.
  2. Embrace your introversion: Introverts often make better networkers than extroverts. The latter are often tempted to speak too much. Introverts tend to listen more than they speak. This is great as it makes you more interestED in people and THAT helps make you more interestING.
  3. Ensure your online profile is up to date: When you meet new people they are likely to look you up online. Your Linkedin profile will invariably show up before your firm's website. So do ensure it works FOR you, rather than AGAINST you.

Networking lessons for accountants from….comedians

Have you ever seen any of those TV panel games involving teams of comedians?

There are typically two teams with 3 comedians on each side and a host who may also be a comedian.

I’m thinking of programmes such as ‘Would I lie to you?’, ‘Mock the Week’, ‘8 out of 10 Cats’ , ‘Hypothetical’, ‘Unforgivable’ and ‘Have I got News for You’. There are many other such examples of such shows which feature multiple comedians.

‘So what?’ you say. ‘What can accountants learn about networking from this?’

Well, it occurs to me that these comedians all seem to be happy appearing on screen together. They frequently laugh at each others’ jokes and seem quite comfortable with their competitors being seen along side them. They know that if anyone is looking to book a comedian for a gig or to host a private event that it is their personal qualities that will count most.

I’m simplifying things of course to make a point....

Continue reading…..

Try this....

Why do you want to attend a Networking event?

Your answer should NOT be "to win new clients".

You knew that didn't you? If not, then perhaps we should have a conversation.

I'm here to help and support you with my caring and pragmatic approach - debunking the hype and resolving misconceptions. Just pick one of the links below and let's talk!


Mark Lee FCA


PS: When you're ready, here are some ways we can work together:

1. Let's talk for a few minutes so you can decide if you want to take it further >>>

2. A one-off focused strategy call/zoom >>>

3. Regular 1-2-1 mentoring zoom calls >>>

4. Check out how you could benefit from the Sole Practice Club >>>

I only share some my weekly emails on Linkedin. If you'd like to receive the weekly email please let me know here >>>>

I'm Mark and sole practitioner accountants turn to me for strategic insights, advice and support. Membership of The Sole Practice Club gives you priority access and the benefit of learning from other sole practitioners who share many of the same issues, challenges and concerns. Others prefer 1-2-1 NED-style mentoring support.

I also Chair the Tax Advice Network, the UK’s largest network of independent tax advisers.

If you want to be notified whenever I write fresh posts on Linkedin, please click the????at the top of my profile here.



