Networking: Prepare To Accelerate

Networking: Prepare To Accelerate

If you ask any successful executive what got them there, they will give credit to their professional network. Unfortunately, we often think we will wait until the next big conference or event and go all in, but there are better ways to build a relevant network.?

Building a strong network doesn't happen without you. It takes time, intention, and willingness to give to others without expecting anything in return.?

But it doesn't have to be daunting if you create regular habits to keep it going and what an excellent time to set those intentions (and put them on the calendar)!

Make this a habit for yourself in 2023. Here are a few of my favorite hacks to keep my network vibrant.

I had a client tell me that everyone always says to network more, but I need to find out how.?

?Well, here's a start.?

I. Ten Wise Ones

First, identify ten people you would contact if you lost your job tomorrow. These are people whose wisdom would be helpful, they are well connected, or they will provide objective advice. These people should have influence and be relevant to your industry or business related to your area of expertise. The group should be diverse in areas where they could provide impact and should be individuals who will deliver critical intel for you and about you. I am trying to dance around the idea that you should not select people who will tell you how amazing you are no matter what, aka Mom-types.?

Write down the ten names.?

When was the last time you talked to them or communicated in any way? If it has been more than four months, reach out now and send them a note to check to see what is new with them. Right now!

Keep that list in your notes on your phone, or somewhere you will bump into it regularly.?

Next, set a date at the beginning of each quarter to connect with these people. Send them a personal note, a simple few sentences asking them for an update on what is going on with them and when you can get 30 minutes together to connect.?

The next quarter, send a touchpoint that will include the same message for all ten, including an article, podcast, or blog you enjoyed during the month. Add one sentence to personalize each email, telling them the reason this resource reminded you of them.?

It is best to make these people a priority. Not only in the case that you need them, but more importantly, you can learn from them and grow under their council if they are so influential for you. So tell them they are on your short list of wise ones. They will be touched.?

II. ?The Investment?

Take 30 minutes to brainstorm a list of everyone you know in your network. Think about connections on LinkedIn, people you used to work with - years ago, and introductions that were made but dropped after one conversation. Remember to consider internal contacts and people you have met through various connection points. Additionally, consider people who are a few steps ahead of you in your career or pursuing a completely different path that could be of interest in your future. Don't limit yourself by thinking, "well, I don't know them," or "they wouldn't care to connect with me." People appreciate a sincere networker, so be one that believes in giving and investing in the people in their network.

To create your master list:

  1. Take emails, texts, and communication through social media and list everyone.
  2. Decide whom you can learn from or who works with an exciting company and put them at the top of your list.
  3. Use this list throughout the year and make it a goal to connect with each person.?

Here are ways to connect:

  • Virtual catch up?
  • Share the article you shared with your ten wise ones
  • Simple email or text with, "Just thinking of you. What is new with you?"
  • Connecting after an upcoming employee meeting, conf, or event

It isn't rocket science, yet we put it to the bottom of our list, especially when we get consumed by deliverables and day-to-day life. But, especially now, we need connection, and our professional careers need to challenge ourselves and learn about someone else's successes, challenges, and how they lead.?

Focusing on cultivating your network is an investment for your future self. Spending time on it will provide value and compound over time for you and your network.

Remember, when you invest in your network, you are helping someone else invest in theirs!


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