Networking Outside Your Comfort Zone as an Introvert
Networking Tips by Khai Nguyen

Networking Outside Your Comfort Zone as an Introvert

Networking doesn't always come naturally to us introverts. The idea of making small talk with strangers or "working the room" at events fills many of us with dread. However, building connections is critical for career growth and access to opportunities.

Luckily, with some planning and practice, we can gradually push our comfort zones and become more skilled networkers. Here are some practical tips:

  • Start small. Don't try to network at huge conferences right away. Look for smaller professional gatherings, such as industry meetups, where you can chat in smaller groups.
  • Prepare questions. Spend some time thinking through open-ended questions you can ask others to spark interesting dialogue. "What projects are you working on lately?" "What brought you to this event?"
  • Set timed goals. Challenge yourself to hold a conversation for a set duration, like 5-10 minutes. This gives you a clear Marker for success.
  • Practice regularly. Set a cadence, like networking 1-2 times per month, to continually strengthen skills.
  • Compliment others. Offering genuine praise on something like a presentation, article, or great question asked is an easy networking opener.

At the end of the day, we introverts succeed through preparation, pushing ourselves, and realizing networking is about building authentic relationships - not trying to be extroverted. With some effort devoted to regularly practicing new skills, we can become strong networkers while still being our genuine introverted selves.

I challenge my introverted connections to pick one new networking strategy to try this month. We can do this!


