Networking, as a Newbie!
by Stacey Goode.

Networking, as a Newbie!

Networking – there are a lot of people that love to get out there, meet new people and make fantastic connections. On the flip side, there are a lot of people that hate to network; they feel awkward, get really nervous, spill coffee down themselves and panic at the thought of it! Despite all this, it is something that can be so valuable to you and your business, that we push ourselves to give it a go anyway.

You may be wondering where I sit with this – honestly, on the fence at the moment...but loving it more with each event.

Don’t get me wrong, I love meeting new people (it helps that I am a little bit nosy!) - finding out all about their business and about them as a person. However, when you are new to networking like I am, it is very, very daunting walking into a room full of people already chatting away and trying to break that invisible wall, get noticed and be included. I want people to like me and sometimes put too much pressure on myself. So much so that I forget who I am and then when they ask about me, my mind instantly goes blank – great start, hey! But the more events I go to, the more comfortable I feel and I think persistence here is key.

I have recently started to visit the networking scene, yes - I have been living under a rock for my entire career! Even though I was in sales for 15 years, networking was just never something that was mentioned or done. Knowing what I do now, it would have been so beneficial for me to get out and about, developing relationships to be trusted and referred to others on a larger scale than I already was - I had great relationships already and did pretty darn well without networking! But how amazing could I have been if networking was encouraged by my previous employers?

I was lucky that for the first event I went to, my manager came along with me. As a seasoned professional in recruitment and having been networking for 10+ years, she was still just as nervous as me! I have got to say though, I really enjoyed it...enough to book myself straight on to another one by myself and do you know what, I enjoyed that one too!

Here is what I have learnt so far:

1.?????The people are just that – people! Humans like you and me. Normal (well in most cases), friendly and all there for the same reason.

2.?????You choose your connections – the more connections you make is always better as you never know when you can be of assistance to them or vice versa, but it really is down to you if you follow up with someone afterwards. Are they going to be valuable?

3.?????Always follow up! Use LinkedIn, social media, email or even just a quick call or text. People appreciate that you have found them, taken the time out of your day to send that message and tell them how great it was to meet them.

4.?????STAY IN TOUCH WITH THEM – keep that interaction open with them, otherwise, connecting with them in the first place was pointless.

5.?????Make sure you reciprocate - are you helping other business with referrals to them, getting their name out there? It's not just take, take, take - it is about giving back as well, and showing your support for the businesses and connections you are making.

Soon, you will probably see me all over Staffordshire - popping up at lots of different events, advising you how I can assist with your business, your recruitment needs, sharing my previous successes and the hurdles currently being faced in a candidate driven market. I will also be listening to what you do, what you are offering and taking an interest in you, both as a person and your business. Networking can be a fun, valuable experience so if you see me, come and say hi! I am lovely, I promise, and am probably just as nervous as you are ??

by Stacey Goode (Networking Newbie)

I love this stace! Well done ??

Holly Goodwin

championing inclusion, transforming growth ??

2 年

Stace, this is brill!



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