Networking a New Way in Portland, Beaverton and Hillsboro

Networking a New Way in Portland, Beaverton and Hillsboro

I have been busy working on improving areas of networking that folks struggle with. One is time vs results.

We all know the importance of networking but some lead groups have us networking with people who will rarely if ever be in front of our client to actually 'refer' us.

I'd like to share Power Partner Circles with you.  

If you could network in a group with ONLY people who will be in front of your potential client, already talking about the industry you work in, would that be of interest to you?

The thing is, I need YOU. I am filling positions for groups in the Financial Services Industry, Health and Wellness, Marketing and Home Services. Circles would start meeting in January.  

Example would be a group encompassing an Insurance agent, Bookkeeper, Financial Adviser, Property Investor, Banking or Loan Officer and attorney. Each person, working with a client in their respective field, has an opportunity to refer. The conversation you are having with your client would be around the value, safety and growth of their finances pertaining to the work you do. Your ability to refer other resources to continue to build and secure money, will edify you as well as help your fellow members.  

Far different then someone in the financial world trying to refer essential oils to people they know/interact with.

You can get more information at

I'm having some interest meetings to answer any questions and take applications. These will be held at the Brookwood Library on:

Tuesday, October 15th at 3pm - Conference room B

Tuesday, October 22nd at 1pm - Conference room A

Tuesday, October 29th at 1pm - Conference room A

I value your connection as I do my business in referring you as a resource. I'd love to do more in helping you connect to success when giving time to a leads group.

If you have any questions about these groups, let me know. We have already seen the success one can have from a leads group. Now let's strategize on being more effective and efficient!

Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you. And hey, maybe it's time for a one on one?


PS. I'm also looking for group facilitators. If you believe you have what it takes to lead a referral group, let's talk! There is incentive.

CMK Connections - Your local Hillsboro directory to the businesses you need to succeed!! Our mission is to facilitate and participate in a self sustaining society by connecting consumers with the resources they need locally.

CMK Connects - Where networking takes on a whole new meaning!

#Networking #Business #Groups


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