Networking. Must have skill.
Are you a C-suite top manager (CEO, CFO, CIO, CMO, or other CXO), brilliant professional, and even more so an entrepreneur? Do you feel yourself constrained in the "well" of your profession? The existing contacts and events do not really expand your horizons of knowledge and possibilities? Then the below article is for you.
The word "Networking" might sound familiar, but in recent and ongoing pandemic, it pours out of every decent speaker. For those who have not heard, let me let you: networking (eng.), literally means "weaving a network." In our case, it is a deliberate and purposeful activity to find, establish and maintain contacts of various kinds, mainly professional.
It seems to be nothing new and extraordinary. Every good leader has a wide range of various conversations and discussions going on, and has a long list of phone numbers, email addresses and other contact info, but this is not enough if you are “welled”.
Whatever your interest is, the goal is to have someone in this area to contact, discuss your topic with and receive some further guidance from. It is no secret that establishing and maintaining contacts has long been formed into a full profession and people make money on it. Incredibly good money. I myself have had an acquaintance with one such Italian gentlemen. It was a real pleasure to communicate with him. After five minutes since you’ve met, he managed to dispose to himself, and after a day he was like your best friend. Even when the communication was not so intense, it was always a pleasure to call him, find out how he was doing, or even send some occasional present. And, well, he did not hold the debt.
For today’s proactive and progressive people networking is seemingly the most important source of opportunities and information. Being effective in this stunningly rich and rewarding activity is an essential modern skill.
So how is networking done in a nutshell? How to start, where to look and what to do? Let us follow a little walkthrough.
Define some areas that are of special interest to you for some reason, where you would like to do/create/achieve something. Those could be some branches of the economy, specific companies, scientific disciplines, technologies, etc. The important here is to be honest with yourself and avoid being biased by some social-convenient and some other outer-driven opinions or priorities. Otherwise, you will find yourself spending your time on some destructive activities of no fun and value.
In these areas, identify the companies, organizations, specific professionals, or any other like items that interest you. After that, already in these companies/organizations, etc., identify stakeholders, leaders, managers, decision makers, scientists, journalists, or any other relevant people who work there or are involved with them. They will become the objects of your networking. From now on, your goal is to establish and maintain a relationship with your networking target. This does not mean that you urgently need to go through thick and thin with him or anything of the sort. A decent information exchange will do nicely!
In nature, some life, movement, and progress occur only where there is energy, or in our context - where your focus is. A rolling stone gathers no moss, so high-quality networking requires constant attention and care, almost like a houseplant, and this happens only through the exchange of information, communication. Reasonable, thoughtful and useful communication will delight both parties, and the more usefulness for your object you put in it, the better.
With the advent of social networks and instant messengers, communication has become much easier and continues to do so. This is an opportunity presented to us by technological progress, and it should not be neglected.
Many people actively maintain personal blogs or webpages, publish in social networks (personal posts and publications groups and communities). This greatly simplifies the matter, since you see your counterpart more fully without spending a lot of time studying indirect sources. You have a great opportunity to get a decent perspective of the person you are interested in, as well as to become a part of his infosphere by commenting on his articles, publications, and comments. It would be even better for you to start some discussions with him on a professional or near-professional topics. To establish and maintain effective communication, you should always remember that at the other end of the “wire” there is a person with its own needs, problems, priorities and perception of the world. In any communication, this should be a must-use filter and effectively used in techniques of "weaving" your network of contacts. While developing a multistep communication, hold on your opinions and views for a while - study your vis-a-vis, his interests, pains, "background".
If your contact is not a public person, but is really of interest to you, then you will have to spend a little more time and effort resorting to advanced search tools - starting, of course, with "googling", ending with specialized channels in Telegram, and always keep in mind that it takes 6 handshakes to reach anyone (that is what the networking is all about, isn’t it?). While walking this long and twisty path, do not miss the opportunity to get to know the “inner circle” of your contact. It is equally important and productive for networking purposes and gathering and embracing of possibilities.
If you purposefully devote time to studying information on personal pages, blogs and other elements of your contact’s "infoworld" interface and use them intelligently (a simple like is not enough), then you can exploit two opportunities at once – pour some energy in your connection with your target and expand your own horizons. This will work especially well if you are truly in what your contact is talking about, it really interests you and the feedbacks you have left are casted from your critical interpretation of your contact’s arguments. Third-party comments on the author's post, especially if they are made to bring in value, and not for show, evoke emotion and are especially well remembered. The more such associations are, the brighter you burn on your contact’s radar and the more likely you will be the first for him to turn to - a new business idea, vacancy, project, consultation, opportunity, the offer something you have been long looking for, etc.
In pre-Internet times, science community used to say that at any scientific gathering, the most important thing is behind-the-scenes communication. This idea continues to be relevant. It was there, behind-the-scenes, that most of the business ties were established and many important issues were resolved. Even though currently there are fewer offline events, there are no fewer reasons to get together, and a lot of conferences and similar events are held online. Look at the speakers, at the participants, try, and do not hesitate, ask questions, ask for contacts for future information exchange. Do not hesitate to speak up, ask or propose! F lot of useful things will come, and often in the most unexpected way. Opportunities, as always, flock to you, but to catch them or fence yourself off with fears, or some other good-old explanations is entirely your choice.
At some point, your contacts database will swell so much that it will be job to run it - you need to allocate a lot of time for its very administration, updating and replenishment. At this moment, you can proudly say: "Welcome to club, networker!". Well done, but how to handle it?
In any business, the golden rule is the Pareto principle. In your now large network of contacts, you need to identify ~ 20% of those who are of great importance and interest to you. For those you should pay attention and, accordingly, allocate energy, first. The remaining 80% can be ranked according to different categories and priorities and monitored with less intensity. To work with this part of your network, simple attention to the events in the life of your contacts - congratulations on holidays and achievements, for example, is often enough to maintain the contact and keep it in active state.
Just as hygiene is important for health of the body, some “networking hygiene” is as well important for the health of your relationships and your eagerness to make them prosper. See if there are toxic people in your woven net. No matter how useful they are to you, most likely, such connections a re the source of energy drainage and waisted time, no matter what value you expected. In most cases, you will invest more in such a relationship than you will receive. The rule "Share, and it will return to you a hundredfold!" simply does not work with them.
The latest trends in networking are of course automated services. Not the dating ones, but pure networking. Their secret is simple - if people wish to share and to listen to others about similar topics, interests, problems, share experiences, then the service simply removes the barrier of the “first step” - distrust to a perfect stranger. In such services all users have similar motivation - to meet and discuss something from a common field of interest. The service only automatically picks a pair for a conversation. Online or offline – it is for your mutual decision. Often such services are implemented on common messengers’ platforms, that most of us already use, e. g. Telegram. Such an approach makes it even closer to everyday use, as it does not require any new app, just one click to subscribe. Typically such services have several communities dedicated to some areas of interest – entrepreneurship, management, HR, or other. They also offer some more intensive options to speed up networking in a form of “large networking meetings” where a group of ~30 people can communicate, get to know each other closer, present themselves and share contacts. Very convenient, a lot of fun and value, I recommend it.
To participate effectively in such services, you will have to answer a few questions about yourself to complete your profile. This will be useful not only for your conversation partners, who will see your profile upon the pairs distribution, but also for yourself, since thinking about who you are, what you are interested in and how you can be useful to others is a very useful practice. Experienced users of these services usually develop for themselves some effective manner of communication to make it interesting and valuable for both parties. Preparation is a key here. It saves lots of time and yields more value. In addition to your own personal pages, blogs, social media profiles, you can also create a one-pager in which you can focus on your interests and what you can offer to your vis-a-vis. Such a landing page can be particularly useful as a kind of specialized networker's resume.
Are you frequently invited to professional gatherings, asked for your opinion, recommended to someone? Are you a speaker at events? Do they approach you to get acquainted with the words “Oh! You are that Mr. X! Nice to meet you!"? If so, congratulations - you are a great networker!
Senior Oracle Developer – RDTEX
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