Networking Is About More Than Just Talking Business
I encountered an article earlier that talks about “Networking Is About More Than Just Talking Business” and here are some of it:
Many people think that networking consists only of talking about business and exchanging cards. That is a misconception, which is definitely part of it. However, it is not all of it.
In a networking group, you want to talk about more than just business with your fellow members.?A referral relationship is more than, “I do business, you do business, let’s do business.”?A much better approach is to find common ground on a personal level, make connections with other people, then talk about each other’s businesses.
The longer I’ve been involved in networking, the more I’ve seen the power of personal interests in making connections with potential referral partners. Successful networking is about building personal?relationships. If you remove the personal part from the equation, you limit the amount of business that can happen.
The GAINS Exchange
Years ago, I developed the GAINS Exchange for BNI??members. The acronym stands for?Goals,?Accomplishments,?Interests,?Networks, and?Skills.?The idea is to have people share personal and professional information about themselves in those five areas to find overlapping interests or activities. For instance, if you and I have a common goal of completing a marathon, that gives us something more to talk about. We share both a goal and an interest, which opens the door to an engaging conversation and strengthens our connection.
Guess what? Within a few months after they started interacting on a personal level, they started passing business to each other. That’s right – they began referring business to each other. Two guys who had barely spoken to each other for a year because they had so little in common, ended up doing business with each other because they built a relationship over soccer, over football. Who would have thought that? I certainly didn’t, and yet when I saw the results, I knew that this was an essential business technique for people to build their business by referral.
Using GAINS Effectively
During your first One-to-One with another member, you may want to start with Interests first, which are often the beginnings of a relationship.
It’s okay to go out of order, as long as you each get to talk about all five of the GAINS topics.
Keep in mind that your GAINS Exchange information will need to be updated a few times each year. When one of your Goals becomes an Accomplishment, it needs to be noted. If you learn to speak Spanish, add it to your Skills section. Joining a Rotary Club is another Network on your GAINS profile. The most successful networkers meet with their fellow chapter members more than once, allowing them to find out what’s new.
Goals?are how we help one another. It’s much easier to give referrals to someone when you know what they are trying to achieve
Knowing?someone else’s?Accomplishments?lets you build their?credibility.
Interests?help us find common ground and build rapport.
Discovering each other’s different?Networks?lets us connect one another to?diverse professionals.
Skills?provide more credibility and open doors to doing business.
Business networking really is much more than simply telling someone what you do for work. It’s all about referrals. The goal is to build relationships with people that you know and trust. When you know and trust them, you are going to have the comfort to refer them to others and they will do the same for you.
By talking about more than just business with our potential referral partners, we find common, non-business interests that endear us to the other person. We move beyond salesperson and become a friend.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article herev for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at [email protected]; or call me on 0467 749 378.