Networking happens at personal events too....
Rupa Datta
Commercial excellence, talent development, championing portfolio careers, network buddy
Last week, I attended FOUR separate events. There's probably a story to tell about all four. And then of course, how one defines each event. To give a bit of a summary:
One is something that I go to most weeks
Another was this month's Portfolio People event - you can read about those reflections here
I somehow ended up at a single's night and didn't know - this one, I may need to sit on a little bit more before sharing those reflections!
It was the 4th one that has prompted this blog....a 50th birthday party
It's inevitable that if someone has had that many years on the planet, that they may well have acquired a good few people in their lives. Some of us are better at keeping in touch with others of course and also better at being ok with mixing groups of people. The table settings were much like a wedding and determined by potential common connections.
In reality, much like a wedding, you probably won't get to speak much to the person whose bash it is...but what can happen.....
I'm not suggesting that you start going to parties with a stack of business cards - but if you're able to hold a conversation that allows you to connect beyond the superficial, the chances are that in a room full of 100 people, you may have a full conversation with five - six degrees of separation could become a reality if you do!
This week, things are a little quieter on the events front - maybe intentionally, maybe I've made a mess of my diary - what it important though is some of the follow up mentioned above - and from the other three events....
Article first published on the Portfolio People website September 2024