Networking and Dryer Lint
There are more stories about my sister and dryer lint than you can imagine. She is a multifaceted woman. There is more to the story than when she was a baby. That is where the story began.
At a certain point I stated doing my own laundry. There isn't much to it- separate whites and colors, don't put T-shirts in the dryer unless you want them to shrink. It wasn't a sign of maturity.
The only real differences between childhood and adulthood are renting cars and having adult relationships. Don't make me elaborate. They have to go "There" occasionally. I don't believe in "Adulting". There is work that has to be done at any age.
After drying towels I had a full lint trap. My sister hadn't made her bed. She wasn't messy in general and when I saw how she left her room I placed the dryer lint on her bed. She told me that was "Inconsiderate."
It kind of was and I was trying to prove a point that has fallen away in the twenty-first century. The kids of today refer to things that happened in "The 1900's." You might be describing something from twenty-five years ago and they make it sound like the Wright Brothers.
My stories are timeless. I don't think about how many years ago something happened. If it is interesting now- let others know. My sister cleaned the lint trap and put the pink tinged lint on my bed. She wasn't one of those girls into the color pink although when she did this it looked like a lint smile.
It was the shape of the lint trap and it looked like a smile when she laid it out. It interests me more than the Smile movies. They might be good. I am not in the right frame of mind to see someone with a permanent smile on their face.
Not every movie needs to be seen in its opening weekend. In the annals of things my sister did that I witnessed, this is far from the most memorable. Intelligent conversations from an early age laid a foundation. We have intelligent conversations to this day. That doesn't mean she made dryer lint memorable on a couple occasions. To make a project as mundane as cleaning the lint trap interesting- it is one of many things I witnessed and recall. Now, if I can clean the lint trap in the back of the dryer...