A Networking APB Has Been Issued
APB is short for All Points Bulletin. It's usually issued by one law enforcement agency to another, in connection with a suspect or wanted person. BOL is another term that is associated with the APB. BOL means, be on the lookout. Be on the lookout for the suspect, fugitive or person of interest.
In this case the suspect is opportunity. That's right, I want you to be on the lookout for opportunity. Not just for you, but also for those in your network. Just like in the law enforcement world, we should all be on high alert. Are you paying attention to the BOL or APB? Have you spotted the suspect called opportunity? Do you have an accurate description, and do you know what opportunity looks like? Can you describe the suspect for A networking sketch artist? Are you ready to "apprehend" opportunity before it escapes?
Identifying the "suspect", is the key to helping those in your network. Spotting opportunity, and alerting others to it, will go a long way toward building strong business relationships. How's it done you may ask.? In order to find opportunities for others, you must first be able to recognize it. Most of the time, it surfaces during the normal course of conversation. It helps to keep your network in mind, when the suspect is in sight. Match the need (opportunity) to a trusted provider in your network. In doing so, you will get credit for the "collar", also known as a referral.
Another benefit to identifying opportunities for members of your network, is reciprocal referrals. If you continually capture the suspect for others, they will also BOL for you.
Don't allow the suspect named opportunity elude you, and remain on the loose. Capture it and the world will be a better, and more profitable place.
Oops gotta run, I just captured an opportunity, and am about to read its Miranda rights.
Best wishes in your search for this desperate and sometimes elusive fugitive.