You get a business card and you get a business card!


I recently attended a speaking event to discuss career opportunities with soon to be college graduates, it was a great opportunity to answer questions about the field of human resources, how useful internships are (topic for another article), and do’s and don’ts for interviews. I consider this event to be a great opportunity for many reasons, however, truth be told I would not where I am today if it weren’t because of genuine and organic networking practices. If I can recommend something to anyone looking for job opportunities and relationship building NETWORKING is what you need. 

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At the event I found it particularly interesting that the same question came a few times, “do people still go to networking events these days?”, “are coffee meetings still a thing?”. The answer to those questions is a big fat YES! The way I look at it is, every human interaction you have is a networking opportunity. Networking is the most valuable thing I was taught in school, I do however remember how to out of reach this task seemed when I had no experience, so I can see why these questions popped up. 

Here is how I answered these questions: Yes! They are still a thing, just a bit different now in 2019, you can absolutely still send out cold messages to people in your network that you find inspiring, people who are in the industry that you eventually want to be a part of, the important thing to remember here is to come from a place of service. Every relationship you want to form should have evidence that you want to help the other party as well, not just receive. So here is what I usually recommend my clients, draft a personalized messages to the person you want to network with. Put some effort into connecting, have it be genuine, and your results will be a lot more fruitful. 

Since you might not have experience networking here are some pointers on how to initiate, nourish and maintain a powerful network. 

KNOW WHAT YOU WANT - I know this easier said than done, but it really is going to help you narrow your search on targetting the right audience to network with, this particularly important because you do not want to be the candidate saying “I want any job, I just want to get my foot in the door”, people like to know you have a purpose, and getting your “foot in the door” is NOT that. 

OFFER VALUE - When you are coming from a place of gratitude and service people are more open to sharing. When you are only asking for favors and trying to take advantage of what someone else can do for you it is not going to be a long-lasting relationship, and that is what is all about at the end of the day. You can always ask someone for help but always close the question or ask with “let me know if I can serve you in any way”

PROTECT YOUR BRAND - This is not until I started working in corporate that I realize we are our own BRAND, yes, it is not just a company or a product, people are brands. This for a second, your values, your mission, what you stand for and how you show up to for that mission and those values is your personal brand. Protect it because if you show up the “right” way it is going to pay forward time and time again. If you are wanting to be known for someone who needs to be taken seriously you need to start acting serious. Be mindful of what pictures you post what comments you leave on strangers profiles. I can’t begin to tell you how many times social media-related incidents cost someone a job.

Above all be GENUINE, I know this is a term that is overused in today’s social media world, but before Instagram, before facebook and LinkedIn people were able to build a strong relationship, this is how I certainly got to where I am today. EVERY single human interaction I had I was treating it like a real relationship and a real networking opportunity. I actually never had an internship in my field, I was attending school full time and working tew part-time jobs, so I was unable to do internships, so I get it, is hard BUT so possible. I am proof of that! I got a job out of college within 6 weeks of starting to apply for jobs, with literally no experience. IT WAS ALL THROUGH THE BEAUTY OF NETWORKING. 

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With all that being said, I am so excited to announce that I have opened up my 1:1 coaching program for career coaching, if you are interested in applying and learning more about my experience with networking and how I have made it work for my clients and myself, feel free to check out the application here.  


