Networked beer tanks delight both landlords and breweries.

Networked beer tanks delight both landlords and breweries.

The Internet of Things (#IoT) offers “#smart” #solutions that help make life easier and more convenient, improve and streamline processes, and receive information in good time that was previously unavailable or difficult to acquire. #Smartsolutions are highly personalised but always begin with an object and a sensor.

A #level #measurement with a remote transmitter is highly practical for detecting hazards and other level and fill-level applications. Take pubs, for instance, where an emptying beer tank could be equally dangerous. In this KELLER Pressure application, two #pressure #sensors work at the heart of the solution to measure the liquid level in the tank and send a warning message to the brewery by e-mail via the?GSM-2* remote transmitter,?the mobile phone network, and the Internet. The brewery sends an automatic order proposal to the landlord, who simply has to confirm the order.

This automated, “smart” M2M (machine-to-machine) solution reduces stress for landlords and saves brewery drivers from profitless emergency weekend deliveries. Inaccurate order entries are now a thing of the past, shipping can be optimised, and landlords have a continuous supply of fresh beer. Crisis averted.

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