Network? Are We Needed?
Ever since I decided to quit the company I work for and start my own business right now, I realize that Networking is very important. Keeping good relationships with colleagues in my old company is one way I do to keep Networking in the future.
Yesterday night I met with my friends for dinner together. in dinner we talked about something about networking. and the discussion is more interesting. Below is my Discussion with my colleague Audrey about Networking.
What is Networking for you?
"Networking is the process of communication with people and must be mutually beneficial or have a mutual relationship". " Audrey"
Her profession as a sales on the exhibition organizer indeed cannot be separated from networking. This process can not work if she just quit after exchanging business cards or getting acquainted and not communicating further, but how she and others exchanged ideas, earned trust and influence. So, it can conclude, that building quality networking takes time and effort consistently. "Audrey Hendrawan - PT. Kristamedia Pratama.
Based on the experience of Audrey, the way to build a quality and reliable networking is to instill in the mind the curiosity and concern for the other person. Usually, people will love to tell themselves, their lives, their success stories and so on. If he can show interest in the person, then he will get many benefits. The advantages of getting information about them are like their hobbies, their families, what they like so it will affect how we treat them.
She also tries to fill herself with different knowledge because it will affect the success in communicating and even the impression we leave behind.
What is your experience with Networking?
"Networking will continue to grow larger through referrals from people we know."
Examples of Audrey experience are:
"One client will introduce me to his/her friends even to some friends; then his/her friends will introduce me to the next friend and so on. It can happen if we can maintain good relations and trust with those people. So, building and developing networking requires patience and an attitude of continuing to open up to meet new people. "
Indeed, in starting a business, we need several connections or relationships in support of our efforts. Networking is not wake up but must be selected. Before we discuss How to choose your Networking? I'll explain a little bit about what Networking means.
What is Networking?
I read an article from Febriyan Lukito Blogger who fell in love with #SEO. On networking relationships with entrepreneurship , I take the conclusion that Networking is a form of living contact with anyone and as wide as possible without seeing the benefits first as it may be at the moment this we do not need it, yet we must think long term.
Networking is Importing
Having an extensive and comprehensive network is very important because the success of a business is affected by the networking that we have. We can build any business if we have extensive networking so we can choose the network related to the company we want to run. In addition to the networking we have, we get a lot of experience and knowledge that may not previously know to us.
How does We Can Build a Network?
1. Confidence
One must have the high belief to be able to start communication with the network that we can meet. Lack of confidence can be a barrier for us to have many systems. The ability to communicate is also critical to establish comfortable and good communication with them.
2. Have Goals
In building a network, we need to have a clear business objective. So by knowing the purpose of the business to be on the run, we can choose the people who are related to our business and make more approach.
3. Building Communication
To maintain the network we have, we must keep building excellent communication with the peoples. Having lunch time together to tell each other is one way to keep a good relationship.
Special thanks to Audrey who wanna share her experience and for stimulating discussion last night. Hope you always be the success!
More post about this topic:
- The Only Networking Tips You Will Ever Need (to Build REAL Connections) , Jeff Haden Author: THE MOTIVATION MYTH (Portfolio), Inc. Magazine Contributing Editor, speaker, ghostwriter
- Millennials’ Professional Networking Behaviors , Blair Decembrele Director, Editorial Marketing and Consumer Communications & Career Expert at LinkedIn
- New Survey Reveals 85% of All Jobs are Filled Via Networking , Lou Adler CEO Performance-based Hiring Learning Systems. Author, Hire with Your Head and The Essential Guide for Hiring
- These 10 LinkedIn Tips Will Make You a Networking Master , Nina Zipkin Staff Writer at Entrepreneur Media
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"Build Your Network, Let the Rest Work"
6 年"The opposite of Networking is Not working "