Is Network Marketing for You? By Tony DeFrancisco

Is Network Marketing for You? By Tony DeFrancisco

Tony DeFrancisco

FirstFitness Nutrition, Supervisor

As I am writing this, we are only days away from bringing in 2017. A New Year and for many people, New goals. One of the biggest goal everyone sets is to earn more money and change careers. One of the best, in fact in my opinion, the very best way to increase cash flow and generate a high income, not to mention one of the finest careers anyone can get into is in fact Network Marketing or MLM.

Almost all of us have been approached by a well meaning friend or relative about getting into a network marketing or MLM company. Some times we may be invited over for dinner. And just when we think the dessert is coming out, instead a white board comes out or they plug in their laptop showing a video presentation on the wall of their home showing their company and introducing us to the real reason they invited us. This leaves us with a very bad impression of the industry and of our "friends" who supposedly invited us over for a nice, friendly dinner. 

Let me just say that there are ethical ways to build this business that work. Tricking people is a strategy that doesn't work and people who use this generally drop out quickly. And anyone who is approached under these conditions usually never gets in and spreads bad PR regarding the people doing this, their company and the industry as a whole. 

Look who recommends Network Marketing/MLM............................................

I was introduced to network marketing back in 1975. WOW that was 41 years ago last August. That is a long time and over that time I have heard it all from network marketers and those who for whatever reason have chosen not to get in network marketing or MLM.

First let's address some issues and perhaps misconceptions:

Nobody makes money on mlm

This is a blatant lie or at the very least a huge misconception. Everybody can and will make money, if they do the work required and stick with it. But not everyone wants to do the work required to earn money. Network marketing is just like any other business. If you own a restaurant and are never open, you won't earn any money. If you don't work it, the business doesn't work. If you go to your job everyday and don't work, you'll be gone in no time.

Many people also don't want to go through the training required to be successful. Some get into with bozo companies and bozo uplines who don't help or know how to help. Just sign you up and then say, "Go get em tiger!"

Some people can't handle the rejection they get. They see the opportunity and immediately assume that everyone they know will jump in and take off like a rocket. Reality is many will not get in and those who do will drop out. Few people are thick skinned enough to stay in and over come this. Those who do, will be rewarded.

When I first started in network marketing, a very good friend of mine was my upline and at the time was working full time as a college professor for a local university. He was earning at his job as a professor around $45,000. This was 1975 remember when you could buy a cadillac for $5,000 and a nice home for $19,000 so this was a high salary at that time. Inside of 9 months, he left his full time job as a professor and went full bore into his mlm business. A short while later, he was making double what he was making a college prof. Sometime later, his income over his salary as a Prof tripled and he developed a nationwide organization starting in a small town of less than 9,000 people. Tell him it doesn't work.

A year later I had another friend who started in a new network marketing company with the original high protein/low carbohydrate diet shake. My friend was in serious financial trouble when he started. He was close to losing his home and deeply in debt. 10 months later he was earning $25,000 a month from his business which he started part time. $25,000 in 1977 dollars is like $100,000 today. Tell him network marketing doesn't work.

What my two friends did was rolled up their sleeves and went to work. 

Another friend of mine from Orlando was on unemployment. He had a contracting business that went belly up. He was on unemployment and so broke that he had to borrow $29 to enroll in the the business. Started in network marketing and year later was a millionaire. 2 years later he was retired living on a boat in Hawaii and had amassed a 2 1/2 million dollar fortune two years after being flat broke, busted.

Perhaps the most successful person I have ever met in network marketing/MLM is Brad Hager. If you have been involved in network marketing at all, you know the name. I have known Brad since we worked together over 14 years ago. If you don't know who Brad is, he is a high 7 figure income producer. He has been at the top of three different network marketing companies proving that his success was not a one shot lucky deal. He has also helped to create 12 millionaires. He is a leader, no nonsense, talks the walk and walks the talk. Brad also introduced me to John Maxwell's training. Brad used to work as a salesman for a company in North Carolina. He made what some people would think was good money. But he lacked freedom and discovered Network Marketing/MLM. His life has changed. Now he has time, much more more money, travels the world and he has freedom. He has a huge home with enormous land, lighted tennis courts, a golf course, numerous beautiful cars and a boat. You don't get that with a J-O-B folks. You only get that via network marketing/MLM.

Even people who own conventional businesses don't have time and freedom. In many cases , they bought a business which is now a job and now the business owns them. And many are in deep debt for years, maybe decades to pay off their business loans. And they have many hassles like employees and are locked into going to their business or office everyday.

With Network Marketing you have no business loans, no capital investment, no employees, no huge inventory and no taxes. In fact you can write off many ordinary expences by starting a mlm business. MLM/NEWOTK MARKETING does work. It has worked for many. The point is. It works but only when you have the right program and are willing to work. 

Isn't this just a pyramid scheme?

Another major myth. Unfortunately there have been companies claiming to be network marketing which were pyramids. And they get shut down. Burn Lounge is one example. In the 1970s there was Holiday Magic and Bestline and many others. These always get shut down. And rightfully so. 

Pyramids require upfront loading. There is compensation for merely enrolling someone in the program. "Headhunter" fees. In legitimate network marketing you can start at a nominal fee, perhaps the cost of dinner, there is no front end loading and your upline only gets paid when you produce. Not by merely enrolling you. The true pyramids as already mentioned get shut down and fairly quickly. 

Shaklee is the oldest network marketing company and has been around since 1954. Then enter Amway which started in 1959. Then Mary Kay since 1963. Herbalife started in 1980. Nu Skin shortly thereafter. These companies have been around a long time. Network marketing aka MLM started in the 1930s with Nutrilite which is now part of Amway. If any of these companies were pyramids and illegal. They would have been shut down long ago.

In 1979, the FTC ended a multi year long and very extensive investigation of the Amway corporation. Despite complaints made by certain folks made by certain people and a massive media smear, the FTC determined that Amway was operating legally. Around that same time, Amway created the new term "network marketing" to offset the stigma created by multi-level marketing or MLM. Bottom line is nwtowrk marketing and MLM is one and the same. It is a legalized form of doing business.

In 1991, the FTC also cleared Nu Skin after that company was allegedly accused of being a pyramid scheme.

For the past four years, a irresponsible activist from New York has been making a case that Herbalife is a pyramid scheme. In 2013 the country of Blegium after a long and exhaustive study concluded that Herbalife IS NOT a pyramid scheme. In 2014, the state of California after a long and exhaustive study also concluded that Herbalife is NOT a pyramid scheme. Last June, after a extensive and exhaustive investigation, despite the irresponsible NY activists and his assign and complaints claiming Herbalife was a illegal pyrmaid/ponsi sheme, the FTC decided otherwise. The FTC declared that Herbalife is not a pyramid scheme. Nor is Amway. Or Nu Skin Nor are the other reputable Network Marketing/MLM companies.

In the 1950s, the government thoroughly investigated a company and a industry. It was called a "pyramid scheme". It was accused of robbing people of their life savings. People declared it should be shut down. Government intervened and investigated. Was it Amway? MLM? Nope it was franchising. Today we all know and accept franchising as a viable way of doing business and patronize many franchises.

Ignorant people always attack that which they don't understand untill proven otherwise.


Yet another misconception is the saturation myth. If everybody gets in how can you make money? Shaklee, Amway, Mary Kay and Herbalife have been around forever and have yet to even come close to saturating the market. Today there are hundreds of mlm companies and we are not even close to saturation. In fact, saturation will never occur. Babies are being born everyday. People are turning 18 everyday. People are getting married everyday. No matter how much business all of the networking marketing companies combined do, they will always be behind. There is no way to saturate the market. 

The Products Are Overpriced. Too Expensive. Commodties. Can be bought elsewhere

Here is another mistatement. If you are in a quality Network Marketing/MLM Company, your products will be of a better value. And they will be different that what you can find anywhere else. They should also be fairly priced. And with quality companies they are. People spend $4 for Starbucks coffee, $2-$3 for bottled water. $4,000 for water devices. Why? Because these products offer something different than just making a a pot of coffee, drinking faucet water or buying a cheap water filer in a store. They are unique. If your company does not offer unique products, different and better than what else is out there, move on.

Superior network marketing/MLM companies have their own USP-Unique Selling Proposition. Their products are different and better. In some cases it offers special services. For example, the company I am with now is a nutritional/weightloss/wellness company. When you purchase the product, you also get followup and coaching as part of the program. When does your local health food store or any store call you and offer followup advice and counseling? Answer? Never.

A Focus on Retailing Products, not just recruiting.

Legitimate network marketing companies retail their products through a network of clients and then lend support to those clients as noted above as wellness coaches in the case of the company I am with now. While the big money is made my duplicating yourself via recruiting, product must move or nobody gets paid. Also, lack of a product and emphasis solely on recruiting is a sign of a pyramid.

As a side note, in companies like the program I am with now, my best distributors started off as customers. Used the products. Got incredible results and then told their friends or were asked by everyone they knew what on earth they were doing. So became distributors, built their businesses while enjoying discounts of from 20% to 40% off the regular retail.

New companies

A common mistake is to jump into a "new" company. "Get in on the ground floor" They will say. "Be the first" Unfortunately, many of these companies are not very well capitalized or very well managed. Usually they are started by someone who had some success as a distributor, but no real business savvy and usually they close up quickly.

Nationwide Opportunity

When looking at a network marketing opportunity, some look for one that is international. The more countries the better they say. Today, thanks to the internet you can chat with someone on the other side of the world as easily as you can across the street and almost everyone knows people in other countries. This is all well and good and I like international companies. That said, the USA is a large place. Plenty of people right here, in fact right in your home town without worrying about building in Asia, Europe, Africa and elsewhere. I suggest starting with people in your own community. If you find a company that is international, GREAT. But don't go on the other side of the world untill you go across the street.


If the network marketing/MLM company does not offer training, look for another company. Most companies offer training right online on their websites, weekly webinars, regular meetings and rallies and encourage additional training. The books to read. The CDs to listen to. The DVDs to watch etc. Most of us understand the value of education EXCEPT in Network Marketing/MLM here they think they can figure it out all by themselves. Not so. The people who earn high incomes are constantly training, studying their craft, their company, products, people skills and communication skills. The more they learn, the more they earn.

New Products

Older companies can still grow as long as they have newer products to excite distributors and customers. Products must be unique, exciting and high quality. They must offer meaningful and measurable results

New divisions

Many companies will open new divisions which is sort of like a brand new company under the branch of a larger, older company. So you have the best of all worlds.

Marketing plan

The marketing must be fair to all. It can't be front loaded so only leaders make a huge sum or back loaded so once again only leaders with huge organizations can enjoy the profits. Study the marketing plan and make sure it is right for you. In true network marketing, everyone has the same chance to succeed. Everyone can reach the top position. 


One of the issues I have had with many companies is the preponderance of meetings that a distributor is required to attend. Meetings are great but can be overdone. Look for a company where you can build your business over the phone and internet with local meetings as well. And when you do conduct meetings, they can be held at places likes Denny's or Starbucks. The business should be fun, simple and easy and also prosperous when done correctly. Meetings produce energy and commonality among representatives. I recommend them in addition not in place of working in the field and building your business. Meetings are especially useful when you are first starting the business. Just don't overdo them.

A new opportunity

I was recently approached to enroll in a new network marketing company. Most of you who know me are aware that I have been working another program for the last 4 years or so. I get hit on everyday and always refuse because those other companies just don't offer what I am looking for.

This opportunity on the other hands seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. Quality products, fairly priced, a great compensation plan that is fair to all and a nationwide opportunity to build business around the country. 

Top leaders are getting in. You interested? Read on...........





There is an old saying that timing is everything. That is especially true in network marketing. In network marketing, timing is truly everything.

First, consider this. If you are interested in cashing in on any specific trend, it is first important to locate and position yourself ahead of that next big social economic trend in it's early phases.





? Exclusive product formulas that

are recommended by doctors

? Experience a physical makeover

in less than 30 days

? Plus learn how to earn Post Holiday Cash

? Earn $500-$2500 part-time

? Earn a six-figure income full-time

and drive a Mercedes Benz

? Learn how to fire your boss in

less than six months











Health Wellness is currently $300 billion $$$ a year industry destined to exceed $1 TRILLION $$$$

What is fueling this growth is the baby boomers desire to look younger and feel better. Our product fills that need.


Combine this desire with the current state of the economic uncertainty and the idea of offering a business that both helps people feel better, healthier, look younger and helps to put extra money in their pockets make sense. Plus, a lot of these Baby Boomers biggest fear is money. They have seen pensions evaporate and 401 (k) plan turn into 101 (k) plans.

The key is to position yourself in front of a companies initial hyper growth phase so you can benefit from that growth for years to come.


Our company has been quietly building creating a powerful infrastructure. Strong leadership generating millions of $$$$ in sales.

If you take the last five years of the top Inc. 500 companies that finished in the # 1 position, their growth percentages range from 21,000% to 57,000%. Our company is positioning itself for mega growth. The founder of our company created a product in the 1970s that became the #1 best selling product in the world and created a new industry. Sales went on to over $300 million in three years. He is about to do it again.

What that means is that we are on track to join hyper growth MLM companies like Noni, Xango, Herbalife, Mona Vie etc as well as huge companies like Dell, Microsoft, Ebay, Yahoo, Google at the top of the list!

How would you like to have been a part of any of those companies in their early stages???

The good news is you can take advantage of this company as it enters it's most explosive growth period.

Opportunity + Preparation = SUCCE$$!!!

This company is already in the USA and Bahamas. The wellness industry expects to grow from $300 Billion to over to $1 TRILLION! Right company! Right industry! Right time!

(407) 761-3055

Checking us out cost you nothing. Missing out can cost you everything



The key to earning a high income in network marketing is to find a red hot product, get in before the masses and go to work. We have the product. Now is the time. We are expecting a tsunami beginning January 1st. Now is the time to get in before everyone else does.

Despite the success of our company and other weight loss companies, today there are more people overweight needing our programs than ever before. Overweight is not just unsightly, it is unhealthy. For every pound of excess weight you carry, you will die 6 months to one year earlier. Every excess pound of weight requires 4,000 extra feet of blood vessels to nourish. This is more than a income earning opportunity. For some of us, it can be life saving to people we reach.…/new-zanolean-supreme-best-fat-bu…

(407) 761-3055


This is a national company looking for a few good people across the USA. It you have a strong work ethic, are coachable and teachable and looking for a brighter 2017, call or email me. I am looking for 15 people to mentor.

Just email, or call me as soon as you are finished reviewing this info. and we will get any questions you may have answered, and get you started making money right away.

This company is growing very rapidly. If you wait, you may find the people on your list that you were going to call, calling you in the next few months and already in. I have found that about 3 out of 10 people I approach get into this. I would like for as many of you to get in and be among the top three, BUT it doesn't bother me if you are one of the 7 that doesn't get in. At least I have told you about this and a year from now when I am doing very well, you can't say, "Why didn't you tell me about this Tony?"

You'll kick yourself if you miss this one.

[email protected]

(407) 761-3055

Call me today. Start earning money right away.


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