Network Marketing Tips: November 28, 2022
Failing our way to success.
When I started network marketing in 1972, I was ... awful.
If you were a kind sponsor, you would have told me, "You are not a failure. You are just experiencing time-released success."
I had no idea what I was doing, and there were no guidebooks on network marketing then. It was all trial and error.
But the good news?
We are only one good person away from success.
Yes, we can fail 19 out of 20 times, but if we sponsor one person who goes to work, our lives can change forever.
Where else can we fail 95% of the time, and still have great results?
This is why I love network marketing. Anyone can change their life.
Who should we take advice from?
What if our prospect told us this?
"I'm 35 years old and broke. I have worked for 15 years, and haven't managed to even save $99 for a startup kit, so I feel I'm qualified to tell you what is wrong with your business opportunity."
Yes, this happens in real life.
What changed my career?
Learning how the human mind makes decisions.
It was when I learned that decisions are made immediately by the subconscious mind, based upon automatic programs, that things really changed for me. I stopped long presentations. Prospects loved it.
Enjoy the week!
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