Network Marketing Tips: February 28, 2024
Where can I get good leads?
The best leads in the world won’t work if ... we don’t know what to say.
?The biggest mistake new distributors make is investing in leads, instead of investing in themselves first.
How do we know our new distributor is ready to start contacting cold leads? Easy.
Simply ask our new distributor to write down, word-for-word, the first few sentences he or she will say to the cold prospects.
?(Get ready to cringe)
The answer will be obvious.
How “Pre-Closing” works
One method of pre-closing is to get our prospects to sell themselves.
Here is a sample conversation starter:
Sponsor: “So tell me, why do you think extra income would be a good idea?”
When prospects answer, they sell themselves on wanting an extra income.
And who is the best salesman for our prospects? They are. They sell themselves that this is their idea. They will convince themselves to say “yes” to an extra paycheck.
Now the rest is easy.
This book isn't for everyone
If you connect with instant trust and rapport in the first few sentences with prospects, that is great.
If not ... then this book can change your life.
Ask this before we sell
Many people have problems, but they don’t know they have a problem, or they don’t want to fix the problem.
For example, a 400-pound man who refuses to diet, a 64-year-old salary employee who hasn’t started saving for retirement.
So how do we know if they want to fix their problem before we waste time forcing a presentation on them?
?After listening to their problem, we simply ask:
“Would you like to do something about it?”
Great things to say to our boss!
If we hated our day-to-day jobs, we would love to say these things to our boss:
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Tom "Big Al" Schreiter