Network Marketing Isn't Perfect...It's Just BETTER.
The good news: There is a better way but it's different than what you were taught in school, Let me explain. "Eric Worre" As children we were all programmed by our parent's to work hard, Make a living, Buy a house, Retire. Sure that was a good idea 50 years ago when there was no internet, Economey was different, Time's were different. We live in a generation now where society, Are mass consumer's looking for the newes't and latest. Buissness have transformed over to Internet, Phones, Laptops, Social-media, talking cars. Blue collar, Corprarte America does not provide the same life and success,freedom, security it once held such high standards to. People are being let go from big firm's, business's, People have given up there time, Time that will never be given back, No stability, What to do? Relying on someone else to write your pay check is a serious risk. Society tells us to live in our comfort zone, seek security, being different is being labeled weird. Why does a majority of society put the smile on the face like life is happy, When it's clearly not... Luckily there is a exit strategy.
The stragedy is network-marketing. Most people here the word network-marketing, they think pyramid scheme. What is a pyramid scheme? Can you tell me?. First any logical person knows the word scheme implies illegal. Secondly the real scheme lies in Corporate America. The belief you can climb the corporate ladder, make butt load's of money. Ask any one of those Manager's, Vice president's, CEO's, Arre they happy, Do they have more financial freedom, time freedom? Or is it the exact opposite!.
Network-Marketing is a culture to engage in new realationship's, meet new people, Learn New things about yourself you never knew, Over coming fear, adversity, failure, Opinion's of other's, For some of us you are recreating yourself to be the best version of yourself, Find a product or service you believe in, One that you believe the mass's will want. What do they need this product or service? I suggest health and wellness companies. Obviously try the product first, With the rage these days being where can I find the healthiest product's on the market. Find what work's for you. Why not get paid to share something that work's. Creating residual income from others. This is the big one, What better way to make money they a helping others reach there goal's, coach them to success, Knowing you made a positive impact in another human's life, While getting paid.. Building a team under you is where the time freedom come's into play. Like anything you have to work hard for what you want, Creating a list of 100 people you know might seem scary at first. But that list will grow you will grow. Network marketing is about personal development and self esteem to have the ability to anyone and everyone, This is a huge hurtle for some, But for the one's who endure the pain reap the biggest reward's. Build a solid team, find what work's for you, Find a team of people in your culture willing to coach you, Than you can coach other's After a while you will grow a massive team under you. That's when the Time freedom, financial freedom start's flowing in. Wouldn't it be nice to be on vacation with the the family never worrying about the Boss, How much Time you can play, Wouldn't it be nice to get paid $100,000 every month, All because you spent a few years redeveloping your mind, Work habbits, dedicated a few extra hours every day to develop a new skill. Quit that corporate job, Have the finances to pay off that student loan, mortgage, cell phone bill... The choice is your's. Create a life worth living. Anyone can do network-marketing, Thank you for your time.
Cody Stiner. If you like what I wrote please continue to follow as I will post more articles shortly. Buildyourownbelief@gmail- #buildyourownbelief