Network Marketers: Stop The Insanity!

Network Marketers: Stop The Insanity!

Can anyone relate to my title and this article?

MLM or network marketing gigs are an option for people who really need extra money, especially if they don't have a lot money. I learned that I could free up some time in my life by some up front hard work several decades ago. With my marketing success, as a former carpenter, I was able to get capital for a few college degrees, and also real estate development. I don't think I could have achieved this side job success without the very rare economically viable products that I research for and find. There was no other way for me: I was born poor. Maybe some of you can relate. However, there are so few programs that fit in the economic model of success using the factual logic of economics. I found that most network marketing companies ignore economic business principle by selling highly competitive snake oil, and yes some are good. Their success relies on hiding the fact that their product is highly competitive using fun type ra ra ra meetings that numb-sculls fall for.

"Scarcity," if distributed with marketing, is an easier-simpler-less complicated and more profitable endeavor. With scarcity you don't need the hyperbole and brainwashing of your crew to win! With scarcity everybody wins if your product is an affordable asset. So, if you ever tried competing with soaps, lotions and potions, but ended up with a garage full of expired product, I would assume it is because you are not trained in economics. Even basic economic training will prevent these mistakes from happening.

I'm trying to direct your attention to products that are of scarcity, and that are also an asset. This means that asset products to sell are in essence - free without debt to acquire. Free because you take a dollar asset and trade it for another tangible asset that cannot expire or vanish due to some economic crisis. In fact, the asset that I market has a 100% profit increase for everyone that participates in this lifestyle. This fact is recorded in historical charts for the last several hundred years. There is no hype needed! Our education system directs the masses from awareness of this miracle business product, otherwise Id have all this competition which I really have none from traditional outlets that are very successful.

I say "miracle" because it's a principle that can save your family similar to those who boarded Noah's Ark, or Moses' Passover event. If you partake, I can prove that the next economic crisis will leave you with up to six to sixteen times increase in value of this asset for 100% of those who stay long term. Outside of robbery, nobody can lose using this asset that can be purchased so inexpensively Oh, and this has nothing to do with religion, but if you are religious, I can show you where it is a commandment ignored by most religious people. Secular, and the very "elect" religious are being deceived daily, even though religious people claim God loves them. They ignore this miracle! It's really sad, but a sign of the times.

I found a billionaire owned company that is undercutting all the competition in this asset, which is a very scarce resource that I live off now. Back to economic principles, what does undercutting competition do for a person with that benefit? Beside giving you an ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE, with any product, the only principals that can under cut competition are typically people who invent the product where patent laws give them the ability to control the price below that of their product brokers. I can put you in the patent holder category, without having to get a patent. This is truly amazing: prove me wrong?

I created my own economic graph that is not found in academia, but it is really common sense deductive logic; thus infallibly true!. I borrow the mathematical principle that states "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line." With a slight modification, draw the two points and a straight line, and now you can say the shortest distance between you and wealth is a straight line. The line being your ability to use your resources that you have without debt for business expenses. In other words, instead of using "OPM" (other peoples money: typically venture capitalist) you use your assets and trade them for another asset and your path to success is a lot quicker than people who borrow or spend money on protect that goes in the debit column. Now you have to see the graph with an incline or decline off the straight line until the debt is paid off. This makes the line segments extend farther to get to the success point. There is a $250 start up fee, but its free to contact me. I put that price in there to keep idiots from calling me wasting my time. I mean, I tell people this, and broke people call me up as if $250 is a Mt. Everest climb, yet getting out of bed is a problem for them anyways. (I know that sounds harsh, but it will only offend idiots!) BTW, I get out of bed whenever I want. I prefer to rise early, but sometimes, I just stay in bed a little longer without any repercussion, as long a I didn't have an appointment.

Although, you may be debt free now, what business can you get into and keep expenditures on product at close to zero: in order of magnitude for business acquisition?

If you can answer that you are one step ahead from 

everyone else.

The only thing I can do for you at this point is introduce you to how you can get your asset product virtually at no additional cost over and over again. Instead of having to deduct product expenses on a schedule C, you are now having to find very fun section 179 properties to deduct like high tech office equipment and company vehicles or deductible entertainment and travel! .

I'm looking to do weekly business presentations in this area. Nobody is in this area from the company!

WE ARE GROUND FLOOR! (another economic success trait)

I live in the foothills. I just unloaded my department store that I owned purchased with assets I earned from what I'm talking about! It was an honor and a lot of fun, but too much time and liability. No more brick and mortar retail jail for me! I like having time for my family!

The billionaire owned company is almost 2 years old now, and is debt free. With a billionaire at the helm, you know he has a lot to lose, and he has taken the measures to see that he doesn't. This will establish our longevity for our future. I need to find your typical MLM front person(s) MC to do the meetings: after some training. Our group will focus on personal growth development, and some reality adjustments that seems to be keeping most of our population financially undisciplined and ignorant of how get ahead without a lot of expenses.

I love the new friends for life that are like-minded! With the internet they are all over the world now! I have a degree in Graphic Communication with some duplicatable assets for the team to use.

If you are interested, I will only respond to those who clearly identify themselves, or provide a phone number. Please submit a resume if possible, but not a requirement at this point.

Thanks for your consideration.


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