Is Your Profile Eye-catching Enough To Make A Viewer Want To Read More?
If you’ve viewed more than a few LinkedIn profiles, you quickly realize profiles fall into just a few categories.
First, you get the All-Product-All-The-Time profile. The banner is full of product. It’s basically a store front. It doesn’t say anything about the store owner. You’re not meeting a person here. You’re meeting a company. Now, if you’re shopping for a certain product and don’t care who you buy from, this works. If you want more information that just the product, you have probably already moved on.
Second, sometimes you get This-Is-Me. This profile includes a good head shot of the owner so you can see what he or she look like. The banner is a colorful, interesting picture that tell something about them. The headline and the summary give additional information that helps you get to know this person. You’ll read more to see if this is someone you’d like to work with or buy from.
The third option is one that really bugs me. You get the generic LinkedIn banner, usually a poor personal picture and a headline that gives little information. The summary is often blank. The screen for the profile tells NOTHING.
Why should I care? I hate waste, and this last person is wasting all his LinkedIn resources. If you find him on any other social media, his profile probably looks the same.
We are now living is such a visual world that you must show something SO interesting that the reader STOPS. Once you stop him, you’ve got 6 seconds to tell him enough that he wants to STAY and read more.
Now you have a chance for your reader to learn something about you. You can begin to develop that relationship where he begins to know-like-trust you. That’s where his buying starts.
If you KNOW what I’ve written here is true, but don’t know where to start tweeking your profile, download your free copy of 10 Secret LinkedIn Hacks for MLMers at the link below.