Network learning and trust
Per Nikolaj Bukh
Professor i ?konomistyring | Bestyrelsesmedlem | Ekspert | Advisory board-medlem | Strategi | Ledelse | ?konomi
In our recent article, ”Network learning and trust: A case study of a benchmarking network”, published in the journal Financial Accountability & Management (2021), we focus on learning in a benchmarking network involving six Danish district heating companies. The network is characterized by shared governance, and we focus on how the six organizations learn as a group at the network level
The article is published in Financial Accountability & Management, volume 37, number 1, pp. 75-87, together Lars G. Dietrichson, from Aalborg University Business School.
Read the article at ResearchGate.
About the article
When organizations engage in learning from each other through self-governed networks, they may encounter challenges regarding confidentiality. This is particularly true if external accountability needs of the network participants conflict with internal accountability among participants and/or network level objectives. This study shows how important it is to have specific agreements about not using findings for accountability outside the network. Empirical evidence comes from a longitudinal case study of a benchmarking project involving six independent public sector companies. Based on reciprocal trust among the participants, the promise of confidentiality was made up front and enforced throughout the network collaboration by the participants themselves.
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