Network Based Attacks(DoS)
Penetration Tester and Team Lead at Techsnapie Solutions Enterprise | Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Proud Rotaracter |
1. Denial of Service Attack (DoS)?
2. Smurf DoS Atk:?
ICMP - Internet Ctrl Msg Protocol - Used to send error msgs to all the host in the network.?
Sender -----------> ICMP echo request --------> Reciever
Sender <----------- ICMP echo reply <----------? Reciever
If a person want to attack a machine, he will be broadcasting an ICMP echo request packet to a network but he will be doing an IP spoofing i.e) he will be sending in the IP of another machine (here the target machine's IP). Thus all the machine's in the network will be pooling the target machine with ICMP echo reply packet thus successfully taking down a server.
Garbage packets will fill the buffer and the legit packets will be discarded?
3. Ping-of-Death Attack
ping -f -s 65537 [destination]
4. SYN Flooding Attack
Additional steps taken by the attacker :?
The threat actor will allocate a resource to the packet thus a separate thread has to be allocated to the packet.
Preventing the DoS attacks: