Network in Action Celebrates National Entrepreneurship Month
Network In Action International
Building Relationships That Last a Lifetime
It’s been said time and time again that entrepreneurship will lead economic recovery for the United States. The weight of this great task sits heavily on the shoulders of today’s entrepreneurs. Whether startup founders, small business owners, franchisees, or restaurant operators, each will assume the risk and commit financial resources against what often seems to be insurmountable odds.
But these individuals cannot do it alone. They shouldn’t do it alone. A support mechanism must be in place for entrepreneurs to succeed. Especially, when considering the mental toll that goes together with the physical requirements of being a business owner.
November is National Entrepreneurship Month. At Network in Action, we recognize and celebrate today’s entrepreneurs. Also, we have always believed entrepreneurs should be part of something greater, a system, a team, a group. The NIA franchise program has been built upon those same thoughts, as well as the foundational components of the NIA business model.
More than just people from similar jobs “networking” to sell each other something or to secure the next customer, NIA networking groups are comprised of business owners with goals of improving their businesses. From various non-competing industry segments, NIA group members network for the purpose of learning from each other and helping each other.
Entrepreneurs can always look to raise or borrow more money to improve their businesses, but their time is limited. We recognize time is one of their most precious resources. To that end, NIA networking groups have been developed to maximize the time members spend together, while minimizing the time commitment.
Others within the networking industry continue to command their members to commit to attending meetings every week. That may be doable for salespeople and marketers, but certainly it is not feasible for today’s business owners. Considering advancements in technology, there really is no need to “meet” more than once a month.
Network in Action has committed significant human and financial resources to ensure group leaders have the tools necessary to grow and expand their Network in Action businesses in an efficient, effective manner in alignment with the needs of group members – business owners much like themselves. It has afforded all involved with NIA an opportunity to be a valued resource, and support mechanism for business owners in all walks of life.
As we celebrate National Entrepreneurship Month, let’s keep front of mind the valuable service we provide to the entrepreneurs in our local communities. These entrepreneurs need us, and we need them. Together, we continue to change networking - as it has been selfishly indoctrinated into the minds of many – to an interdependent relationship whereby all benefit, instead of just the networking company.