Netherlands not yet warmed-up for Qatar | Road users in Europe | Catawiki Trends 2023
[NL] Ipsos Polls: Qatar | Inflation | Ukraine | Nitrogen Crisis
Rising inflation hits the lowest income groups; One third of the Dutch population is neutral on the nitrogen crisis; The Netherlands is not yet looking forward?to the World Cup in Qatar ...
Catawiki reveals consumer trends for 2023
With a trend report based on extensive qualitative research, the expert-curated auction platform - in collaboration with Ipsos - predicts what we can expect in 2023 in the field of art, fashion, design, interior design, luxury items, and collectibles ...
93% of road users in Europe are afraid of the risky behaviour of others
This Ipsos-conducted survey offers an overview of the behaviour of Europeans dealing with the coexistence of different modes of transport.....
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Faster and automated research is becoming increasingly important. Ipsos answers this need from companies with the Ipsos.Digital platform ...
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