Netflix's Upfront Presentation Highlights Growth and Innovation in Advertising

Netflix's Upfront Presentation Highlights Growth and Innovation in Advertising

At Netflix's second Upfront presentation to advertisers, the message was crystal clear: when you advertise with Netflix, you reach the most engaged audience in the world.

Advertising Growth and Audience Engagement

Amy Reinhard, Netflix’s President of Advertising, shared insights into the remarkable growth and momentum of Netflix’s ad-supported plan. In just a year, the global monthly active users for the ad-supported plan have surged to 40 million, up from 5 million previously. Even more striking, over 40% of all new Netflix signups in the ad-supported countries now opt for this plan.

New Partnerships and Ad Tech Advancements

Netflix also introduced new partnerships aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and measurement of advertising campaigns. Partners such as Affinity Solutions, DoubleVerify, EDO Inc, Integral Ad Science, iSpotTV, Kantar, Lucid, NCSolutions, Nielsen, and TVision will provide advertisers with robust tools to measure and verify campaign impact.

Looking forward, Reinhard announced Netflix’s plans to launch an in-house advertising technology platform by the end of 2025. This move aims to empower advertisers with new ways to buy ad space, leverage insights, and measure impact, ensuring the same level of excellence that has made Netflix a leader in streaming technology.

Expanded Buying Capabilities

In addition to these developments, Netflix is expanding its buying capabilities to include The Trade Desk, Google's Display & Video 360, and Magnite, who will join Microsoft as the main programmatic partners for advertisers starting this summer.

Enhancing Member Experience

Reinhard emphasized that Netflix is strategically approaching ad placement to ensure a phenomenal experience for its members. Extensive consumer research guides their strategy, keeping Netflix ahead of the competition and bringing forth opportunities that benefit both members and brands alike.

In conclusion, Netflix continues to innovate and expand its advertising capabilities, aiming to provide advertisers with powerful tools and unparalleled access to a highly engaged global audience. As they move forward with their in-house ad tech platform and expanded partnerships, the future looks promising for advertisers looking to connect with audiences on Netflix.


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