Netflix shines a light on displacement and homelessness across major US cities

Cities across the US are experiencing an influx of housing displacement due to the rising cost of rent and lack of affordable housing options. Lead Me Home, the 2021 Netflix documentary, highlights these struggles through the stories of individuals experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Their stories are both unique and all-too-common. In Chicago, there are 58,000+ people, each with their unique set of experiences, confronting homelessness.??

We were both impressed with and left wanting more with Lead Me Home. All too often, the media oversimplifies and generalizes when it comes to causes of homelessness. Lead Me Home doesn’t fall into this trap. The documentary deliberately showcased the complex dynamics of poverty, displacement, and homelessness. Our only critique: why only 40 minutes? There’s so much more to say.?

What did the documentary highlight and miss? Check out Lead me Home on Netflix and tell us what you think below.??


