Netanyahu is playing Russian roulette and humanity's conscience is losing!!!
Mahmoud Abd-El Sattar
CTO | Technical Full-Stack and AI Consultant | Senior Full Stack Developer | Data Scientist | ML/DL Engineer | MBA
For almost a month Gaza is suffering, At least 9,061 Palestinians have been killed in the war, mostly women and minors, and more than 32,000 people have been wounded (numbers of November 3, 2023), a never ending crisis by all means, and the question is; was Gaza invasion just a reply to the 7th of October operation by Hamas, is it just for revenge, is it to show power, to show that if Hamas can make a problem then Israel can reply with a scandal???
Before answering this question, important thing has to be mentioned, this is not the first conflict or clash between Hamas and Israel, but the Israeli reply most of the time was different, usually it was though limited retaliation operations and utilizing spies and agents to target the resistance heads, but this times it is by applying brute force, not just a military operation but a war, yes, Israel declared war on Hamas and endless air strikes over Gaza.
Now let’s return to our main question, WHY IS THAT ALL HAPPENING???, to answer we have to return by time for few weeks, even before the 7th of October, at that time the political environment was severely against Netanyahu, inside and outside of Israel, outside of Israel is not a big issue, as USA is fully supporting Netanyahu with the veto all the time, but the inside refusal was putting him in a weak tough situation, until the 7th of October, here comes the savior event, here comes the biggest buzzword in the politics the WAR.
Again to be mentioned, how the war affects the political directions, here are 2 examples, Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only U.S. president to have served more than eight years in office; his third and fourth terms were dominated by the ultimately successful prosecution of World War II., second example, George W. Bush began his presidency with approval ratings near 50%. Following the September 11 attacks and declaring the War of Afghanistan, Bush held approval ratings of greater than 85%, among the highest for any President, so never underestimate the buzzword WAR.
That brings us back to the title of this article, it’s clear that Netanyahu decided to risk all for one last opportunity, that is the definition of the Russian roulette game, he decided to sacrifice life of the hostages, lots of palestinians and Israelis, the Israeli economy, and putting all the entire middle east on fire, for a tiny opportunity of getting rid of Hamas and becomes a national hero to guarantee staying in power.?
If you are wondering if Netanyahu believes that his plan is going to succeed, then ask him, where is your son, Yair, why is he not in the frontlines with Israeli reserve forces???; the answer is simple, it’s obvious for Netanyahu and everyone that the opportunity is too tiny to risk his son’s life, and that is why he is trying to push more and more entities to get involved, no matter if these entities will be on his side or the opposite side, the most important to keep the war’s fire on, which gives him opportunity to stay longer in the power..
Now it’s time of the second part of the article’s title, the humanity's conscience is losing, every human life matters, the numbers mentioned in the beginning of the article showing a crisis turning to a curse as all this blood attracts more and more entities to get involved because wars always represent a proper distraction internally (unfortunately that includes big countries).
Some of Netanyahu’s supporters start believing that his days in power are coming to an end, but until that happens more and more bloods are shedded from both sides, and that is bringing the curse to life, and if that happens, most probably it will be global, as some politicians expected that the situation is getting close to a coming regional or even world war.
This article is very brief, the details needs many of articles, it is not aiming to argue who is winning and who is losing, because it’s clear now that only Netanyahu is winning, but it is a lose-lose situation for everyone else, this article is a scream for the silent humanity's conscience to wake up and stop the blood shedding of all sides, and the destruction will happen to the current and future involved entities.
So that is the time to stop the crisis and prevent the curse, in less than a month, number of casualties is about 2% of all the Gaza population with every air strike, with every rocket and bomb, more and more bloods are shedded,? let’s together awaken the humanity's conscience and the world’s awareness, many Peaceful marches were held to emphasize the refusal of the genocidal crimes happening in Gaza, finally, christians say that 2,000 years ago Jesus had to sacrifice himself to save the humanity, thus, it is a big shame to see thousands been killed today so one? person stays in power, Netanyahu…!!!
Principal Engineer
1 年So, what is your proposal regarding Hamas? What to do with people who massacred 1200 Israely civilians? And one more, why Egypt refuses to take any refugees from Gaza?