Net Zero Emissions
PowerUP Energy Technologies
Innovative hydrogen fuel cell based back-up generators
??????????? As the world strives to achieve net-zero emissions, many disparate technologies must come together –in order to sequester greenhouse gasses, as well as to reduce their production. Just like a machine, each component of net-zero emissions is essential to its functioning. hydrogen fuel cells, as well as solar, wind, geothermal and more must all come together to optimize one another. Each has a lot to offer.
??????????? Hydrogen Fuel Cells, (HFCs) are a rapidly expanding green energy technology, and they come with many advantages. Because hydrogen is the most common element in the known universe, the energy source for HFCs is readily abundant. Not only does this make hydrogen a relatively cheap substance to get one’s hands on, but it allows for decentralized production. Essentially any water source (rainwater, lakes, rivers, oceans) can be utilized. This allows for countries to generate their own fuels, thus ending the strangle hold of oil producing companies on the global energy market –how can you control the price of hydrogen if it can be produced anywhere with water?
???????????There are other advantages, too. For instance, the HFC is also an extremely low-maintenance device; the only moving part on our units is the cooling fan. This means that they are cheap to operate, and will run without issue for great lengths of time (UP generators are covered by a 5000 hour or 3 year warranty). Compared to diesel generators, HFCs are refreshingly simple, quiet and non-polluting. HFCs are a special type of green energy, as they produce power on-demand. Unlike solar or wind, which are subservient to weather, the HFC does not rely on uncontrollable factors. Instead, it has its own source of power, ready to go at the touch of a button. The HFC is also incredibly versatile. From our hand-portable generators to large stationary generators to automobiles, the technology has wide-reaching applications, and is scalable to fit any use case.
??????????? So, how does the HFC factor in to net-zero emissions? When thinking about the technology needed for the net-zero world, it is important to realize that there is no ‘silver bullet’ solution; no single idea or innovation that can reduce our emissions to the necessary levels. Instead, we must think holistically. While the HFC is an incredible technology, it is not without its drawbacks, chiefly that the HFC needs other forms of green energy to be green itself. Hydrogen, while being the most prolific element, is also very difficult to separate. Hydrogen gas is most commonly created through a process known as electrolysis, and though electrolysis is a simple reaction, it requires an immense quantity of energy to break apart water molecules. This is the reason that hydrogen needs other green energy sources. Without them, electrolysis could easily be cast aside in favor of ‘grey’ or ‘blue’ hydrogen, processes which use fossil fuels to create hydrogen gas more cheaply.
??????????? This hurdle can be easily overcome through improvements in infrastructure. By improving our ability to generate and store H2 cleanly and efficiently, we reduce our emissions. One potential idea is to generate green energy and perform electrolysis at the same site. For instance, in an area such as coastal Egypt or Southern California, a facility could generate solar power for the grid as well as carry out electrolysis for use in HFCs. A system such as this would give off negligible greenhouse gas emissions while producing hydrogen gas affordably.
??????????? In order for humans to sequester as much CO2 as we emit, we cannot only increase carbon sequestration. We must also reduce our emissions. Technologies such as the HFC are some of the best tools we have at our disposal to do this. As the HFC finds ever-increasing prevalence in the automotive industry, the energy sector and the consumer market, emissions will gradually fall, and our net-zero emissions will become ever more attainable.
Curious to know more about HFCs and how they're shaping the future of clean energy? Visit our website to explore further! ??