Nesting Season

Nesting Season

I been so busy getting ready for many big moves in my life, my time become limited and I keep re scheduling. Fun time.

So, Someome mentioned to me today how he like nesting as well,To me this was a thought provoking sentence, it means alot.

I thought "Nesting"

Is that what I do now?

So here is my input.

One of those “pregnant woman” instincts I’ve always found interesting was the one that comes just a few weeks before the baby is due. The one where a woman, round a swollen, who avoids the floor at all costs, would get on all fours to scrub the kitchen tile.

The one where she pulls all the clothes, already cleaned and pressed, out of the closet to wash them just one more time. The one where she dusts and vacuums and then dusts again–every day. The one where she re-cleans, re-organizes, and repositions the nursery.

“Nesting” is what they call it … Getting ready and preparing a perfect place for the impending arrival of a new life.

Well... I’m not pregnant. But even still, I’ve been feeling a swell within my soul the last couple months–a need to nest, oddly enough. To get my life and my home ready for my new life. It is a huge deal for me, it is my first home no one else step his feat in. It's a dream come true it is coming to my life with bells and whistles and a parade in tow.

You know it will, Me? I just focus on my end result! My picture perfect. Life we deserve.

But regardless of what it is that’s coming or how it comes, there’s a tangible need that I’m feeling.

A need to weed out, (Yup people too) declutter, reorganize, rededicate, reexamine, and refocus. For something. Something good.

I know that in order to be in a place to receive this good thing, I need to let go of other things, old things, worn out things. So that there’s room for it. And so that I’m ready for it.

So last month, and this month, right till new year eve...I will be nesting.

Preparing for my big move my fresh start. It's ok to nest it's an opportunity to take a step back to jump million steps forward.

Have a great night.

Written by Alin Queen Cruz


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