Nerdio webinar roundup
Yesterday we brought to you a unique opportunity to hear first-hand why we are so excited about our new partnership with Nerdio.
But if you didn’t make it, here is a quick overview of what we covered.
Nerdio provides a quick and easy way to price, deploy, manage and optimise Azure. How does it do it? By dissolving the need to involve qualified Azure engineers in every deal and simplifying processes otherwise cumbersome and expensive.
Let’s take a scenario where you want to migrate existing IT infrastructure into the cloud. And you want to do this with Microsoft Azure. In addition, you want to leverage Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) to centralise IT management and enable remote working - which we all know has never been bigger. Now, this is just one opportunity and it already comes with various complexities for the majority of MSPs, even the ones already selling Azure - like using the Azure calculator and brining in the technical expertise to deploy and manage.
What Nerdio can do is make most of the process seamless. Below you will see the steps you’d need to take to deliver on the scenario we just gave you. But of all of them, you only need to worry about three – all the ones in blue are Nerdio in action.
So you sell Azure all the time, you say? Oh, I can hear you calculating all that money you are going to save by not using your highest qualified engineers when they could be out flexing their Azure muscles. Your engineers have much harder work to do and this just helps you use their time more effectively.
But how about you, who wants to sell Azure but doesn’t yet? Nerdio breaks down the skill-ceiling required to make a start and makes the entire process accessible without heaps of prior knowledge.
Interested? We’ve got some traditional info for you on our website but if you want to talk to a real human, give our Azure team a call on 0333 003 1701 – or just drop them an email on [email protected]
Excellent article Desirre Kaluza and Mitchell Gee. We are incredibly excited by our partnership to help more MSPs move to the cloud with Azure and WVD!