NEP - A Beacon of Change

NEP - A Beacon of Change

National Education Policy: This is a policy document, in which government has explained the vision about education in coming days in the country.

According to experts; Education Policy is revisited and revised every 10-15 years for update but it took 34 years to do so. Till now country has seen 3 education policy and this third one has been brought in as per commitment made by BJP in its manifesto.

Though complete education policy will be implemented by 2030 and will initiate from the 2021-2022 session. Education has been the subject of both the governments, state, and central, it means state govt implement policy as it is; will depend on coordination between both the governments.

Let’s start analyzing the provisions made in national Education Policy 2020

What is much talked 5+3+3+4?

Earlier education started from class 1 in primary school at the age of 6 years and got completed with completion of +2. But now this will be replaced with

Initial 5 Years- In contrast to admission in class 1 at the age of five now kids will have opportunity of pre-schooling for three years, then 1&2. This phase will have a learning based on activities and play.

2nd Phase is of 3 years- This will start from class 3 and complete in class 5 and ideal age for this phase would be 8 years to 11 years.

Govt. has proposed to use local language as a mode of education till 5th class if possible.

3rd Phase is again of 3 years- This should commence from class 6 and here one major change has been done. Now vocational training and coding will be introduced from class 6 itself. Even there will be 10 days, no bag day in which students will go for an internship with local traders and artisans. This phase to complete in class 8.

4th phase of 4 years- It will cover class 9 to class 12. There will be major changes in curriculum and examination process from here. Board exams have to be redesigned and made easy.

Now board exams will not just measure the memory of students but capabilities. The education will focus on critical thinking and analytical skills.

Now the spectrum of right to education will widen and will cover from age of 3 years to 18 years replacing previous age group of 6 to 14.

There is a major shift in UG courses as well. Now UG courses will be multidisciplinary, which means a student studying science can also opt for any or many of the papers from arts/commerce/humanity as per their interest. Simultaneously graduation will have different options in certification. Earlier students who dropped out after one year in graduation were considered dropped out. But in NEP 2020 if students complete 1 year in graduation are certified with a “Certificate course”, if completed two years, “Diploma”, completing 3 years will get “Degree” and after 4 years “Degree and Research”.

Similarly, PG will also have three options:

There will be a Masters for those who complete graduation of three years.

Masters will be of one year for those who complete graduation with research of 4 years.

The third option is of five years of integration programs, where graduation and post-graduation will be completed all together.

Now MPhil is not required, for Ph.D. 4 years graduation with research will be mandatory.

Now every university and institution will have to be multidisciplinary and Non-multidisciplinary institutions have to be phased out, gradually. Apart from this different model of university system has to be abolished like Deemed University, Affiliating University, etc. Now there will be just one term “University”.

NEP 2020 allows top 100 universities of the world to open its branches in India.

Source: Public Domain



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