Neo4j Graph Tech Weekly
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This Week in Neo4j: Path Type, LangChain, and More
GRAPH DATABASE:?The Power of the Path — Part 1
Kees Vegter begins a series of posts about the Cypher path type. He explains the path is not a specific entity to be stored in the database but a type to capture the structure of nodes and relationships as a result of a query.
Tomaz Bratanic creates a project that integrates a graph database into LangChain, a library for building applications around LLMs like ChatGPT. The library can enhance an LLM by giving it access to various tools and external data sources.
CHATGPT:?Knowledge Graph With ChatGPT
Ganesh Srinivasan explains how he used ChatGPT to create a graph of the NIST catalog of security controls. He also uses the chatbot to create a graph representing the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”
#MayThe4thBeWithYou celebrations: