Neo4j Graph Tech Weekly

Neo4j Graph Tech Weekly

This Week in Neo4j: Graph Data Science, Microservices, Java, Chatbot, PHP, Spring Data, and More

Summer is the perfect time to relax in the shade and enjoy inspiring talks about graphs from GraphConnect! We’ve just published the developer and data science presentations with business cases and in-depth tech talks. Don’t hesitate to take a look; a sign-in is required. As you plan for the Fall, save the date for the Neo4j NODES conference, November 16th and 17, 2022. You still have time to submit your talk until August 20.

This week’s newsletter features an interesting array of articles for your enjoyment! In the Journeys in Java, you will learn how to build a Spring Boot application with a couple of REST endpoints to access the data from a Neo4j database. You also won’t want to miss Graph Data Science for User Segmentation, where Tomaz Bratanic applies the Neo4j GDS library to identify node roles.

Neo4j Team

PS: Don’t miss the Neo4j Code Golf challenge, a Cypher coding contest with prizes totaling $27,000! Start golfing and have fun!

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JOURNEYS IN JAVA: Build A Neo4j Microservice

In this latest installment in a steadily growing microservices project, add some new functionality for book review data using a graph database in the cloud. Then set up a new service that hosts that data from the database.

GRAPH DATA SCIENCE: User Segmentation

Tomaz Bratanic walks you through the user segmentation process of a peer-to-peer payment platform through network analysis. He utilizes the Neo4j Graph Data Science library to identify node roles and use them as features for the user segmentation process.

GRAPHCONNECT TALK: Node Art with David Allen

David takes you on a fun jaunt into graphs. He uses Cypher to create patterns to demonstrate how visualization tools help spot patterns. As he puts it: “drawing pretty pictures with graphs and math, and show you how you can do it too.”

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TRAINING: Complete Guide For PHP & Neo4j

Michal gets you running Neo4j in a PHP environment in this useful guide. He assists in configuration and provides links to relevant sources of information.

IMPLEMENTATION: With Alan And Neovis.js

Follow up to several articles on, a multilingual chatbot solution to make medical knowledge widely available. Here, Sixing explains an approach to render AI communications more conversational and descriptive.

OPS: Neo4j Ops Manager and Spring Data Neo4j

Michael takes us on a Springy trip to the server backend of the Neo4j Ops Manager, a tool simplifying the operation of Neo4j Enterprise databases. Along the way, we learn of potential error scenarios involving Spring Framework and Spring Data transaction management.



