Neo-Fluxus: A green Investment?
Visionary | Artpreneur | Founder of Neo~Fluxus & CreaTelligent Solutions | Invested & Involved.
Neo-Fluxus & Manifolds
There is a gigantic boom, the demand is huge. Since 2020 alone, the assets of sustainable funds have doubled. Of course, you then have to consider whether there are enough investment opportunities for all these sustainable funds.?
The central question is: How far along is the real economy on the path of transformation while niche economies such as art just aren’t big enough to meet the gigantic demand for clean investments.
According to recent studies, so-called green investment funds didn’t invest their capital so differently than conventional funds.
ESG Standard
ESG is among the best-known labels that exist in the investment market. What is it about? ESG simply stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. These are the three big factors that funds look at when they want to invest in particularly sustainable companies.?
How they proceed and how strict they are is up to the fund management. Therefore, the label "ESG" should be treated with caution. It is kind of hard to differentiate whether it is really sustainable or whether you are dealing with greenwashing.?
Nevertheless the big problem is that many people actually want to invest green and that is why more and more money is flowing into such funds.
Here comes the surprise. Many “green” funds still invest in Boing, Textron or Exxon - how can that be?
Research has shown that across different green funds, all oil companies are included - and not to a small extent. They follow investment philosophies that aren't particularly rigorous.?
When a fund shuts out some really bad stuff like weapon systems or coal producers, it leaves the door open to other things. The funds often use "best in class" approaches which simply means to pick out the most promising company in each industry.?
As an investor, however, we all want to somehow increase our returns on investments. If you have to decide, what are the options?
The first option, if you only look at returns - on average - conventional funds do not perform worse than sustainable funds. On the contrary.
But if sustainability is important to you, then that should be the condition sine qua non. There is now a growing number of people who would rather make a difference through sustainable consumption and social commitments while being happy with a decent return on their investments. This is an individual decision. Ultimately, what matters to us is our view of a rapidly changing world.?
As a general rule, 80% of the investment success can be explained by asset allocation.
Green Investments
So are there investments that really meet green conditions?
There are providers of sustainable investments who are very strict when it comes to the selection criteria. Of course you have to search a bit to find them, but some providers take this approach more seriously than others. But of course there is also a large gray area in which you can also find a few really bad ones. Is is a jungle out there.
Take the Neo-Fluxus art production of Talberg as an example. It is as green as it can get. In fact it is negative on CO2 emissions (as opposed to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boing, Exxon inter alia) since Talberg supports the goals of the Prince Albert II foundation of Monaco. Talberg loves the seas, especially the Mediterranean. On his numerous visits he collects plastics from its shores & beaches which in turn he transforms in his Manifolds.?
Neo-Fluxus - Manifolds are totally sustainable. Current collectors and investors can exploit their material and spiritual benefits without doing any harm to future generations.
Neo-Fluxus - Manifolds are profoundly social. Manifolds are based on a vision Talberg had in Bellagio, when he was about 20, re-experiencing for a brief moment profound flows of warmth, energy and love. What can be more social than those deep, primitive and humane experiences most of us had when they were very small?
As the circle closes we hope we can answer the initial question: Looks like Neo-Fluxus is a pretty clean investment after all?
And the lesson of the story? Don’t trust investment labels. Do your own research, read the fine print of investment companies annual reports, and above all - don’t get too impressed by all the current green washing and hype.
M. G.