NEM and Regional Analysis of Wind and Solar Connections in the Australian NEM (2014-2024)
Following Geoff Eldridge 's post on LinkedIn yesterday [1] showing the NEM Wind and Solar Connection details for the period 2014 to 2024 (present), we break down the NEM details into individual regions for a comparative analysis of regional efforts.
Following is a series of graphs illustrating the development of utility wind and solar energy in the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) and its individual regions from January 1, 2014, to May 29, 2024. Each graph provides the following information for every calendar year within the specified period:
The graphs are structured to provide an a view of the NEM as a whole, followed by detailed views for each specific region within the NEM. This allows for both a comprehensive and granular understanding of the growth and distribution of renewable energy capacity across Australia's electricity market. The annual regional information is collated and summarised in the following two table.
We at Global Power Energy hope these visualisations offer valuable insights into the progress and regional differences in the deployment of renewable energy within the NEM. By examining these trends, stakeholders can better understand the dynamics of each region and identify areas that may require support or policy adjustments.