Be The Neighborly Neighbor On Twitter

Be The Neighborly Neighbor On Twitter

Be a neighbor first and foremost. That is the perspective I start from when deciding how best for dental practices and dentists to approach Twitter. Remember Twitter is not the only venue to market online, and that frees it up. Meaning new ways to approach people like what I do can work for your dental practice.

Engaging local neighbors on Twitter is something specific to local businesses that want local residents to notice them. Being on Twitter without consistent and frequent engagement lacks the value local businesses, including dentists, require. Recognizing neighbors is a win-win-win: dental health, neighbors and practices.

Doing a favor for your neighbor many times often has the effect of building trust in the relationship. We all have a tipping point somewhere in most relationships where we feel it makes sense to refer one person to another. Regularly recognizing their content can make that tipping point occur sooner!

Interacting with your local neighbors on Twitter is the best way to develop very succinct community awareness. The service I provide achieves the goal in a wider, more consistent manner than most dental practices can. It is done with moderate intensity curation to achieve consistent coverage.

Getting to know a hundred new local opinion leaders, media people, business owners, organization heads, and other individuals can provide a whole new source of referral agents and/or patients. Dentists can get "out of the office" to meet, and greet many more neighbors by utilizing Twitter via my approach.

My marketing service basically have an ongoing conversation with your neighbors many days a week. It is similar to having coffee with them at a local shop each morning. But it takes nearly zero time from you or your dental practice team's day, and is even more beneficial to them since I directly present your practice content to others.

So dental practices are creating a community of referrers and potential new patients. While new patients are the immediate focus, the long term objective is to encourage and increase referrals. Consider the local Twitterers who follow your accounts as neighbors who know other people.

As dentists recognize other local Twitterers using my service, they are able to improve top of the mind awareness for their services. This neighborly type of approach when employed can also reduce some anxieties and fears. Who is able to calm your neighbors more, you the neighbor or you the dentist?

Positive actions can turn into positive results, helping patients, dentists and their community. Turn Twitter into a win-win-win by engaging neighbors on a consistent and fairly frequent basis to engender loyalty and trust in a manner not possible without this online service.

Ask More Of Your Twitter!

My Comprehensive Twitter Program (noted above), the Smile Down The Aisle Program, or my Basic Program.


Richard The Chwalek


