The Neighborhood of Letters, Cervantes and his trip to Parnassus
Juan Carlos Menendez Gijón
Freelance - Fotógrafo y redactor de contenidos
In that monumental area of Madrid, known as the Neighborhood of Letters, you can still breathe, even having adapted to the needs and requirements of modern times, part of that legendary environment, in which life developed, as well as the most prolific and suggestive of its bewitching Literature, of the cream of writers and playwrights, whose milestone has come to be considered, rightly so, as the Spanish Golden Age.
In that sense, it is still preserved, in the same building, whose basement continues to be generously occupied by one of the oldest taverns-restaurants in Madrid, the Albert`s House, the room, marked by two unique and mysterious attics, where the generous man lived. Miguel de Cervantes and where, according to himself, long before the birth of the Fox Sisters, Allan Kardec and modern Spiritism, one of his most relevant works was dictated or suggested to him, after Don Quixote de la Mancha: Journey to Parnassus.
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