Negotiating the Razor's Edge

Negotiating the Razor's Edge

I think this current situation has been a great reckoning for many people in facing some of their greatest fears.

The greatest fear that most people have- is loss, or death. Either of themselves, or the ones they hold dearest to them.

I too have faced this fear many times in the last year with various people I hold close to my heart at all times.

And after a lot of meditation and recognition that we all have these fears, I am brought back to a simple truth that carries me forward when fear starts to buckle me:

Compassion for oneself and all those around me who face the exact fears.

We are not alone in what we fear, and yet, the reality is that we one day will leave this beautiful earth and all those we hold dear- just as they will too.

The sooner we accept we cannot control much in this life, the sooner we will find peace.Those that are meant to stay in our life will and those who are meant to leave will.

I have come to the conclusion that I would rather die while living, than die not living.

Life is about risk and reward. Take no risks, then life becomes small, dull and mechanical.

Risking fear? I will take it. Because what is on the other side will surely be better then what fear brings.

The path of the razor’s edge is one that a warrior walks. Are you a warrior?

A warrior is one who engages in the battle. Not against others. Against his/her own enemy within.

Fear is our greatest enemy. It stops us from experiencing life in all its beauty.

So, in these times when the media only pumps fear into the airwaves- I urge you to seek stories of courage in yourself waiting to be written. We all have stories of courage that we have not yet lived.

Living on the razor’s edge is where you must find the inner guide which gives you the instructions to move forward so you don’t get cut. Those instructions come from the virtuous nature we all carry within.

What stories of courage are you getting ready to write with your life? I wish you stories in uncharted territory so you may experience the majesty of your beautiful soul. We were built for these times to prevail into the infinite potential we carry within.


