Negotiating with the Mirror Premier Tomorrow Noon CST
At four years old my parents noticed I was a bit different.
At six years old I was diagnosed with ADHD
At seven years old I began feeling anxiety and depression
At 10 years old I started hiding when I ate and began binging
At 11 years old I started staring in the mirror, hating what I saw
At age 18 I experienced the worst bullying of my life
At 19 I found myself in a relationship that I would later realize I had been the victim of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
Tomorrow, I debut a new keynote, Negotiating with the Mirror that asks the question, does trauma make a person more susceptible to additional trauma?
This is not the keynote I want to give, but it is the Keynote I HAVE to give.
I hope my story inspires, motivates and creates discussion.