Negative Thoughts – Positive Results
One of the most important action the Chemical industry personnel should take while restarting the bottled up (mothballed ) plant –
A brain storming session where all the NEGATIVE THOUGHTS should be welcome eg the people should go on telling what could go wrong !!!
Once such a list is made then work out if these negative looking points are taken care of while restarting the Plant or some modification required to “Start up Procedure” !!
The questions asked can be:
- Are temp of products being maintained?
- Will there be crystallization?
- Will there be polymerization?
- Will water segregate and become corrosive?
- Have we completed the DMR (damage mechanism review)for various possible different conditions and not considered in original “Corrosion Control document”?
The exercise may take from 1-2 days or may be longer depending upon the complexity of the Plant but it is worthwhile to spend time to answer “EACH & EVERY NEGATIVE THOUGHT” and obtain the “POSITIVE RESULT” of SAFE Start Up !!