Negative ROI Impact - Not Aligning AI Tools with Company Goals
Michael Hudlow
VP of Innovation and Sales - Leader in Business Transformation and Corporate Innovation / CRM / ERP/ AI / Salesforce / HubSpot / Program Management / Corporate Speaker / CRM Author
As in my normal fashion, I will be blunt and possibly a touch spicey.
As with all new programs, adopting the technology without a plan is insufficient. Duh ! But with AI companies need to take a jumbo step backward and define their goals in order to maximize their return on investment (ROI). By doing so, they can identify the AI capabilities required and align them with their CRM objectives. This strategic alignment ensures that AI is used in a way that directly impacts sales, reduces business development efforts, is ethical, and speeds up time to market, ultimately driving profitability.
Don't be a fool and listen only to technologists on this matter! This is not some techno-experiment. Legal, HR, and Marketing must be involved. Now, let's delve into the importance of having a well-thought-out AI and CRM strategy and how it maximizes ROI. One crucial aspect is its potential for boosting sales; the other is how not to sink your corporate ship by intentional or unintentional ethics violations. (Note: I will discuss the ethics topic in another article or you can buy my book - please !) With the help of AI capabilities, companies can:
In addition to boosting sales and speeding up time to market, there are factors to consider when aiming for maximum profit with an effective AI and CRM strategy. Enhanced customer satisfaction is one factor. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, companies can deliver experiences that cater specifically to each customer's needs. AI-powered CRM systems analyze customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history to provide tailored recommendations and proactive support. This personalized approach should improve customer satisfaction. Also fosters increased loyalty among customers. As a result, satisfied customers are more likely to become brand advocates through media platforms and refer others to the company.
ROI Impact alert - Furthermore, implementing an AI and CRM strategy can lead to cost savings.
Get contracted outside help. If your internal teams are at full capacity and doing their jobs, they cannot keep up with all of the changes and angles in the AI/CRM world (and do their "day job").
An executed AI and CRM strategy is crucial in order to maximize return on investment (ROI). Companies can reap benefits by defining their objectives, identifying the specific AI capabilities required, and aligning them with their CRM goals. This may involve boosting sales figures, minimizing business development efforts, expediting time-to-market processes, improving customer satisfaction levels, and achieving cost reductions. By embracing the potential of AI within CRM systems, companies can unlock opportunities. Attain sustainable profitability in the long run.
Absolutely right! As Steve Jobs once said, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." AI truly sparks innovation in all sectors. ???? Keep soaring high with your insights! #Innovation #ManyMangoes????