Negative Attitude? Your Career Is Over.
There are many career killers out there, behaviors or beliefs that will derail your career and ensure that you never accomplish your goals. But I don't think that there is anything that can derail a career in sales as quickly as a negative attitude.
When asked how the market is a real estate agent responds "it is terrible, rates are high, and no one wants to buy until rates come down" is a negative attitude and the response will influence a potential client. It may even make them rethink buying a home and cost the agent a sale.
Ask a lender what rates are doing, and you may hear "they need to come down, I don't talk to anyone who wants a house at today's rates". Negative attitude alert with that answer.
Negative attitudes are all around us, in every industry and we hear them every day. The truth is there will always be something going on that we can complain about. There will always be someone cheaper, there will always be something in the economy, and there will always be that horribly annoying person that we will have to deal with. But there is also the truth that...
"You cannot always control what happens, but you can always control how you react to it!"
This my friends is the key. You control how you react, what you say and how you let things impact you. There are plenty of potential clients out there. Opportunities to close deals abound. But only if you maintain a positive attitude and have a positive message.
So be positive. Put positive energy into the universe, say positive things, have a positive message and even if you feel like being negative, don't let clients or prospects see that. Yes rates are high but there are still a lot of really good reasons to buy or sell your house, so focus on the positive reasons.
Want to learn more... read Jeff Gitomer's "Little Gold Book of Yes Attitude" and be prepared for your entire view to change. Before you meet with a client listen to your favorite upbeat song, have a cup of your favorite coffee and go into the appointment with an upbeat attitude.
Be positive and you will positively close more sales.