NEET 2024 - Victory to Government- OR – Long Term LOSS
Mr Pradhan and NTA would be having a sigh of relief on SC judgment on NEET 2024. This government probably has not realized that it has lost millions of voters who would, probably, not come out to vote and participate in democratic process henceforth.
Rightly so, because democratically elected demigods take arbitrary decisions within 48 hours of taking over the chair and give a clean chit to NTA officials. Understandably, government officials would save their skin and would come out with all stories to refute any leak in the system, but can you deny statistics. Without going into details of the matter, since the decision was made and proclaimed, whole system is then placed to make the false Hypothesis true. Wilfully and dangerously committed type 2 Error.
Even in the courtroom heads are not turning to the false narrative that only very insignificant percentage of students have been involved in malpractice and Sikar centres have super intelligent race who could defy the bell curve in their NEET SCORES. This “insignificant number” in TOP league from a particular city only, consumes nearly 10% of privileged government quota. But if you view this number considering overall participants of 23 million, it is certainly insignificant. Court, in fact, has denied the right of equality to deserving candidates from marginalised strata.
Argued that the established centers of Bihar do NOT show any significant beneficiary despite the alleged leak.
What if the leaked-out paper is NOT confined to locality but distributed all over. What if, some of the coaching institutions have bought the paper in advance and distributed to its own selected candidate, of course on cost, scattered across pan India. This will neither raise any eyebrow nor will it cause any financial loss to these coaching institutions. Mushrooming coaching centers across the nation is the testimony to the fact that the business is abnormally profitable- albeit at the cost of truly deserving candidates and nation suffers further.
?NEET 2024 will soon be history, but this should be wake up call for all. Hoping that current setup would have any inclination in building a robust selection system is far-fetched expectation. I had mailed following suggestions for improving NEET examination to PMO and I am not sure if this would have seen any light of the day. Posting it here again…
NEET Controversy: Proposed Changes in Exam Format
?1.??????? Conduct of Examination?????????? Exam should be conducted in two parts, on the lines of JEE Mains and JEE Advance. Successful candidate of NEET Advanced should ONLY be eligible for AIIMS and other premier institutions.
This will help in quality of students in Premier Institutions
2.??????? Format of Examination????????????? Both, NEET Mains & NEET Advanced should be conducted ONLINE to avoid possibility of leak and unfair means. The format should be similar to GMAT with variable degree of difficulty in subsequent MCQs. This feature will ensure:-
a.??????? Automatic filtering of Candidates and would help in organic growth of Medical Support in longer run.
b.?????? Reduction of dependency of COACHING INSTITUTES. Students with deeper understanding and logical reasoning would be able to score higher. Further, based on competency level of student, questions would be randomly selected for each candidate from a large pool of question bank and thus would eliminate any remote chance of unfair means during examination.
?3.??????? Number of Attempts?? Currently, there is no age bar or limit on number of examination a candidate can attempt. This causes UNDUE pressure on organisation conducting examination and also does not give? a level playing field to all candidates attempting the examination. It is seen that candidates take multiple attempts to improve their scores and thus a fresher or first time dropper remains marginalised. Also, this would curtail practice of taking the exams by COACHING CENTRE Staff themselves, who could influence the outcome of final ranking.
?4.??????? Inclusion of LR & EQ
?a)?????? WHY?????????? The profession need an individual who is compassionate, dedicated and committed to their assigned role. Therefore, any individual who is low on EQ should NOT be in this profession. Also, as a medical practitioner, one need to correlate various inputs from diagnostic tests and at times, could undergo complex decision making process. This warrants good decision making ability and analytical skills. Inclusion of psychometric test(EQ) and logical reasoning test (LR) would help in ensuring that:-
a.?????? Any non-serious candidate, unfit for profession in longer run is eliminated
b.?????? Will curtail the malpractices currently infested in medical profession, such as over billing, unwarranted tests and so on and so forth.
?????? HOW?????????? Include 1 hour of MCQ based test with at least 80 questions to minimize overthinking while attempting the questions. This test should be part of NEET MAINS
.. Your efforts in form of suggestions and promoting wide circulation requested.
Lets’ come together and build the nation collectively
Jai Hind