

People say that a child shouldn't be given everything they want or they will get spoiled. So why get so mad when God doesn't give us everything that we pray for?... Sometimes, God takes away something good out of life and replaces it with something even better. God is Great and deserves to be worshiped. We need to remember that blessed are the people who understand that the reason for praying is not only to have what we want but also to accept what God has given us and to remember others that need Him...It's not necessary to know the details to pray for someone, God already knows it all. For those days where you just feel like giving up remember: Everything in your life has happened for a reason, and God knows you'll be able to pull through...God, when I lose hope, help me to remember your love is greater than my disappointment and your plans for my life are better than my dreams. My prayer for today is that a whisper of encouragement and a comforting hug be carried by angels to all those I love, near and far even to heaven above...I believe that if we aren't happy with our life or situation...we need to realize that each day begins with hopes and ends with dreams...Every day starts with some expectation but surely ends with some experience...that's life...Your life is a result of the choices you make... If you don't like your life or whatever is going on in your is time to start making better choices...We need to realize that sometimes the road you travel doesn't lead to the destination you had hoped for. But if you can look back on the trip and still smile...then it was worth it...We all at one point find ourselves in a situation that we feel that we cant get through...When we do we need to know that sometimes the hardest decision to make is the one that is best for you...we need to always trust our heart to do what is right...Always know that when choosing paths in life...don't choose the easy ones but choose the challenging ones that will make you a better person and stronger...Always know that a person that possesses true peace is not one without problems and turmoil, but is rather a person who has peace in spite of it...Today holds blessings and miracles that you don't even know of so grab a hold of today with hope and love and expect great things to happen. Sometimes life is going so fast we don't notice all the miracles God does for us every day...Always believe in miracles...they come in all shapes and sizes...If you're looking for a miracle, just look at a leaf blowing in the wind, look at your children, look at the stars in the sky..and breathe in the essence of God...Look for the little miracles God puts in your life - the ones you overlook, waiting for something big to happen...Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!!! Galatians 6:9...We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7...Rev Daniel Bramlett


