Needs are increasing at SOS
SOS is seeing an increase in demand for our essential services. With the lost revenue from the closure of our Thrift Shop due to COVID-19, we are reliant on community donations to continue these services. That is why we have launched a new campaign: Grateful Hearts.
Thankfully, because of community support, we have been able to continue providing assistance for food and medicine, grocery shopping for seniors, Counselling, Seniors Advocacy, supplies for homeless residents and Meals on Wheels. We will continue to offer essential services to District 69 residents as long as our funds allow.
If you have made a financial donation already, we thank you. You are helping to keep us going! If you haven't or would like to continue supporting us, we would appreciate your financial support of our Grateful Hearts: SOS COVID-19 Campaign. Our goal is to raise $500,000 by September 1. Knowing that collectively we are making a difference to the emotional and physical well-being of our residents is the fuel that keeps us going. We see that in the grateful hearts of those we help every day.
Your gift matters! If you are able, please consider donating online at Alternatively you can call us at 250-248-2093, or mail your donation to us.
With a grateful heart,
Susanna Newton, Executive Director. #sosgratefulhearts #unityincommunity