Needed Or Needy?
As I head into the weekend and approach closer to Purim, I can’t help but wonder if our desire for a time of rest is truly for the individual or a greater purpose.?
We are living in a time where a great emphasis is placed on the ever important, ever evolving self concept. The “I want this”, “I need this” or “I desire this” etc. But what is a desire? Is a desire a negative or a positive?
As humans we have the tremendous gift of being self aware, and conscious of our thoughts. This can either be a blessing or a hinderance. I like to think of desires as flashlights. They are elements we have within us that can be used to experience life and shine a light on who or what needs us. For example, let’s say you have a desire to live in a specific home in a specific city. By using your desire as your flashlight, you will inevitably find the agent and home owner that needs you to purchase their home. Your desire led to assisting the need of someone else. Everyone wins. On the flip side, if your desire is not used as a flashlight to assist someone or something else, your need becomes needy.
Being self aware and conscious of our desires can have the wonderful gift of changing the “I’m needy” to “I am needed”. ?
So is the weekend truly for our individual benefit? Or is it the perfect primer to prepare us in assisting others?
When we take a moment to relax and reflect, our desire to be at ease makes us ready and able to assist others when the time is right.?
When I created Lauren Ross Design, I knew that art and fashion has the tangible and intangible ability to inspire and bring joy to others. There is someone who needs you, maybe your family, clients, neighbors or a stranger. Follow your desires, choose to be needed.
Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend.